Wednesday 4 December 2019

'Old St Raphs' to be excluded from redevelopment/refurbishment plans going to Brent Cabinet

Brent Council Press Release (unedited)

Recommendations for which parts of St Raphael’s should be included in proposals to improve the area, and create more much-needed affordable council housing, will be put to cabinet by Brent Council on Monday 9 December.

The council is considering two approaches, infill development and redevelopment, for the future of the estate, which straddles Neasden and Stonebridge.

Since November 2018, the council has been working with residents to create community-led masterplans for each approach while undertaking a detailed study of the design and financial considerations around the proposals.  

Following this work, the council is recommending that only the area known locally as ‘St Raphael’s Estate’ be included within the future masterplans, and that the area known locally as the ‘Old Estate’ is removed from the masterplanning exercise.

The council is also recommending that a local lettings plan be established once infill or redevelopment has taken place, to help the council tenants most in need living across St Raphael’s to benefit from the opportunities created.

Carolyn Downs, Brent Council’s Chief Executive said: 
"We’re committed to making sure, alongside residents, we develop the best possible options for the future St Raph’s. Our recommendations to cabinet are the result of detailed work from industry experts and nearly a year of feedback from residents, and conversations with more than 50% of households on the estate. We look forward to continuing to work together with residents, local businesses and community groups to develop the masterplans for both infill and redevelopment.” 
The council has written to all households on the estate to share its recommendations, and to answer frequently asked questions.

A series of drop in sessions for residents on the estate will also be held over the next two weeks at Henderson House, Henderson Close:
  • Tuesday 3 December – Friday 6 December (9.30am – 12.30pm and 2 - 5pm)
  • Monday 9 December  - Thursday 12 December (9.30am – 12.30pm and 2 - 5pm)
Comments from residents on this news welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Although "Old St Raphs" has been excluded from the "masterplanning", the area that will still be subject to plans for either infill development or redevelopment includes some important green spaces.

    Are the Council's regeneration planners hoping to build on at least some of Brent River Park, Tokyngton Recreation Ground or the St Raphael's Open Space? The Brent Council paper which went to Cabinet on Monday made no mention of these areas!

    Brent's Regeneration officers, in 2012, were blind to the fact that the Victorian section of Willesden Green Library was a locally listed building within a Conservation Area, and proposed to demolish it. Are they aware that the green areas in their St Raphael's masterplan area are part of a flood plain?
