Monday 6 January 2020

Why we await Brent's Annual CIL Report with more than a little interest

Brent Council is required to publish an Annual Report on how it has spent the Community Infrastructure Levy each year. The report for 2017-18 noted:

To ensure that the levy is open and transparent, Brent is required to prepare a short report on the levy to be published on our website by 31 December each year, for the previous financial year. This includes the details of Neighbourhood CIL.
I have been asking Brent Council why the report for 2018-19 has not yet been published. The Council website says it is now due in mid-January 2020.

The extracts below from 2017-18 show why I am interested and why scrutiny by non-Labour councillors is so important. Have a look at the overall underspend figures and the carry forwards from 2017-18 and ask yourselves why these monies have not been spent.  If we are elected Green councillors will be asking searching questions about the figures due to be reported shortly for 2018-19.

There is a consultation currently on Neighbourhood CIL priorities. You can comment HERE 



  1. Is all this retained CIL earning interest? Is that why Brent is hardly spending any of it (apart from giving a large chunk of it back to Quintain!)?

  2. It would appear that there is enough money to complete the north circular road access project

    1. Don't forget there's about £17.8m to take off the Brent CIL for the Wembley Stadium pedway replacement and Olympic Way 'improvements'. No sign of former happening yet so may be carried forward. That is probably about £12m.

    2. According to the latest list on the Brent Council website ( ), the construction of the new link road between North End Road and Bridge Road still has an estimated completion date of 20 December 2019.

      When work will actually begin, let alone be finished, is another matter.
