Tuesday 8 December 2020

Opinions wanted: How have changes in Wembley since the building of the new stadium affected you?

Hello Wembley Matters readers,


I’m an Architecture student at the University of Huddersfield currently carrying out a research project into how the Wembley area has changed since the new Wembley Stadium has opened and how this has affected the residents. I would like to gather Brent residents' opinions on the changes in the Wembley area over the past 13 years so I would be grateful if any residents could spare a few moments to fill out the questionnaire below, it shouldn’t take any longer than 10-15 minutes. 


Questionnaire LINK

Thank you,



  1. The link takes you to a login page for Microsoft. Is there any way this could be done without logging in?

  2. Matthew, why not use Google forms, then there is no need for people to sign in to anything.
