Tuesday 16 February 2021

Brent Council approves latest phase of Northfields-Grand Union Development

Brent Planning Committee has unanimously agreed the following planning application for the former mainly brownfield industrial site between the North Circular Road, Grand Union Canal and Beresford Avenue. Phase 1 and 2 of the development are already underway.

It includes the detail plans for blocks G,H and J above. Phase 3 of the development consists of 439 units with 98 at London Affordable Rent and 39 shared ownership. Plans for a Health Centre are carried over from previous apploications and public space has been increased by 15%. This phase will yield £14m Community Infrastructure and the whole Masterplan Area £73m. Buildings have been revised with an increase in height but slimmer design with the tallest 27 storeys allowing 'a glimpse of sky.'

Hybrid planning application comprising:- 

Outline planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and structures on the site, all site preparation works and redevelopment to provide new buildings to accommodate new homes (Use Class C3), flexible commercial uses, new basement level, associated cycle and vehicle parking, new vehicular accesses, associated highway works to Beresford Avenue, landscaping and creation of new public and private open space, ancillary facilitating works, various temporary meanwhile uses, interim works and infrastructure with all matters reserved - appearance, access, landscaping, layout and scale.

Detailed planning permission for Phase 3 (Buildings G, H and J) for the demolition of existing buildings and structures, all site preparation and infrastructure works and the development of new homes (Use Class C3) and flexible commercial floorspace; together with new basement level, associated storage, cycle and vehicle parking, new vehicular accesses, associated highway works to Beresford Avenue, landscaping and creation of new public and private open space, ancillary facilitating works.

I have included below the recording of the Planning Committee discussion  and decision making on the application. Click on bottom right square for a full screen view.

(Note for those following the Prospect House story, that building is situated close to the development site, next to the North Circular Road and along from 'The Generator' unit referred to in the discussion. It is bottom right on the top image between the North Circular and the River Brent)



  1. Just how high will Brent allow tower blocks to go in Wembley and Alperton?

    Developer gets outline permission for one height, then comes back seeking detailed permission for taller buildings, saying it will allow them to provide more homes.

    This seems to go on all the time, and Brent falls over itself to approve their new high rise plans!!!

  2. Brent are mugs and I'm sure Butt and Tatler are very happy. But why are they happy?
