Monday 1 February 2021

Growing community out of the Pandemic - positive plans from Harlesden


The pandemic has taught us many lessons some of which point to a more positive future. Mutual Aid volunteers in Harlesden have identified a demand for fresh fruit and vegetables, a strong grasssroots desire for opportunities to connect  with and support one another and a recognition that community projects, gardening and interaction with nature are good for our physical and mental health.

Harlesden Town Garden have linked up with Mutual Aid to grow food for people who need it in the community. The food growing project is Brent-wide and organisers are currently looking for growing spaces and schools and community groups who would like to be involved.

Mutual Aid currently has a small plot in the Harlesden Town Garden and are also maintaining an allotment at the Longstone Avenue site where the plot holder is unable to maintain the plot during the pandemic.  They are currently looking for secure sites on which to grow food.

Contact details: 

Kensal Green Mutual Aid: LINK


Friends of Harlesden Town Garden are holding their Annual General Meeting on February 13th via zoom. They are looking for new committee members. If you wish to attend the AGM please email using the address above and you will be sent the link.

1 comment:

  1. Call me a pessimist, gloomy, negative or whatever,
    I just find it incredibly difficult to take these initiatives or whatever the correct phrase is, seriously.

    The kind of food that fills the shelves of shops and supermarkets, apart from fruit and vegetables, tend to be unnatural, cheap or overpriced things that are more like to make consumers anything other than fit and healthy.

    Mutual Aid is a good idea but the fact is the supermarkets have got a strong hold over the things we buy and consume.

    The only way that will change is for initiatives like this to take the place of the adverts that entice us to buy overpriced, unhealthy (so called) food.
