Wednesday 15 December 2021

Met warn people thinking of buying or gifting an e-scooter for Christmas of the restrictions on use

E-scooters are controversial in Brent and have even been the subject of a Conservative Group motion at a Full Council meeting.

Some see them as dangerous to pedestrians, particularly the young and the elderly, when used on the pavement, and a menace to driver safety when used on the road.

Others cite their potential in reducing car use, particularly the single driver taking up a lot of space on the road, and in reducing the pollution and fossil fuel use that would otherwise be caused if the scooter rider was driving a vehicle.

The police have taken the opportunity, ahead of Christmas purchases, to remind the public of their legal status and the Fixed Penalty Notices applicable for misuse.

As always, given limited police resources, there is the question of enforcement.


  1. This is a joke, as you can ride an Electric Bicycle which has the same amount of power and can reach speeds of 25 mph on the pavement as many will see the delivery brigade on a regular basis yet these remain legal without any of the conditions being placed on E-Scooters. Please explain what is the difference?

  2. Sorry Jane, those bicycles are also illegal, only power assisted cycles with limited electric speeds are legal, and not on the pavement at all unless they have quite small wheels. Basically, if you don't need to pedal, or they can reach speeds of over 15mph they are motor vehicles and come under the same legislation as other motor bikes. Basically, E-Scooters come under the same legislation other than the Trial Schemes that comply with most of the laws and regulation.

  3. In response to Anonymous
    But I don't see any enforcement in Brent, or Wembley on any of these and I am sick and tired of them cycling up the pavement like they have a right of way. Sad to say only when someone is seriously injured will the people with powers really do anything about this. Not impressed. Legislation is pointless without enforcement.

  4. You can ride them in westminster and hammersmith, they even have designated spaces for rental. Met police need to rethink
