Sunday 16 January 2022

Cabinet to approve changes to Brent Housing Allocation System on Monday

 Following a consultation Brent Council's Cabinet will discuss recommended changes to the Council's housing allocation system at tomorrow morning's meeting.

These are the main changes, further details can be found in Section 6 of the officer's report starting on page 5.

a) Change 1: Give reasonable preference to homeless households 6.2 to 6.4 of report embed below
(b) Change 2 - Give priority to existing Council tenants, who need a transfer, to bid for all new build properties 6.5 to 6.12

(c) Change 3 - Emergency Management Transfers 6.13 to 6.19 

(d) Change 4 - Transfers due to Overcrowding as set out in paragraphs 6.20 to 6.24
(e) Change 5 - Award Priority Band A to Special Guardians 6.25 to 6.28
(f) Change 6 - Decant moves for essential repair 6.29 to 6.33 





1 comment:

  1. It's reported that Cllr. Eleanor Southwood, Lead Member for Housing, told her Cabinet colleagues this morning that the amendments to Brent's housing allocation scheme will not make much difference to the current 16 year wait for a 3 bedroom Council home.

    One decision which could make some difference to the shortage of 3 bedroom homes would be if her colleague Cllr. Shama Tatler (and Leader, Cllr. Muhammed Butt) would change the Council's current proposals to allow a private developer to sell 152 of the homes on its Cecil Avenue (Wembley Housing Zone) scheme - including 20 family sized homes - for profit, rather than keeping them for Brent residents in housing need!
