Thursday 3 March 2022

But, Brent Council, who's the guy in yellow?


PHOTO: Local residents celebrating the launch of the new One Tree Hill community garden along with Cllr Muhammed Butt, Leader of the Council (far right), Cllr Neil Nerva, Cabinet Member for Public Health, Culture and Leisure (in fluorescent green), Cllr Krupa Sheth Cabinet Member for Environment and Ward Member for Wembley Central (in red) and Chirag Gir, Chairman of Wembley Central and Alperton Residents’ Association (far left).

A press release from Brent Council dropped into my in-box a short while ago, neatly reinforcing the point I made about social media in the last post.

The caption supplied by the Brent Council Press Office names the Labour Cabinet members present but ignores the man in yellow - who just happens to be a local Alperton councillor who works hard for the community but is a Liberal Democrat.

The 'non-person' is Cllr Anton Georgiou and he commented to Wembley Matters:

It was good to be with local residents and members of Wembley Central and Alperton Residents’ Association (WCARA) who have worked so hard on this project. 

I’m proud to have supported residents over the past two years, particularly keen local gardeners, who want to encourage even more people to get involved in growing flowers and vegetables in the area. 

We all know how important it is for mental health and well-being to be outdoors, enjoying nature and I’m hopeful Brent Council will commit to installing more planters as a way of encouraging even wider participation. This is particularly needed given the number of people in Alperton and Wembley who do not have access to their own gardens. 

I’m not surprised that the Leader of the Council and two Lead Members were free to attend the photo op yesterday morning. They love the camera. It is however, slightly concerning that my presence was ignored in the official Brent Council press release. With local elections around the corner, I’ve expressed disappointment at what seems to be repeat favouritism by the Council of a certain group of Councillors. This needs to stop.”


  1. The Press Office should obviously be renamed Butt's Brent Council Labour Party Press Office. Why does Butt hate the Libdems so much, is it because they wouldn't let him join them in 2008/9, probably because Bob Blackman wouldn't make way for Butt to take his position as Deputy Leader.

    Butt & Co can ignore Anton as much as they like, he's abviously not going away and will remain a thorn in his side. Also, it is highly likely that with the pathetic Labour Councillors in Alperton, the Libdems may well take all three seats in May, we can but hope.

  2. The post has been amended by Brent PR by cutting off everything to the right of Cllr Sheth. No surprise there then. Brent is Bent.

  3. Sorry, they've changed the photo completely and Anton is not on it, just the Brent .......

  4. With all due respect to the Labour cabinet and its candidates, "The guy in the yellow," (evidently) has a few things in common with Butt and co:...namely, barefaced hypocrisy and an unabashed love of self promotion.
