Wednesday 23 March 2022

VIDEO: Brent local elections hustings on the environment. Who would you vote for?


  1. And one day later, the " Demolition of car park and 1-2 & 5-18 Windmill Court maisonettes ..." (Ref 21/4690)is approved by Brent Planning without any consideration given to extensive embodied carbon "because it is too small" to consider relevant. Green and play space reduced, mature trees cut down. Exemplary modernist planning trampled over with cram-it-in 'altered estates' post-modern short-termism.

    Planning Comittee Wednesday, 23rd March 2022 at 6:00pm

    The planning game is rigged by the dictate of Brent Council being in cahoots with the developers and pitifully few voices able or willing to stand up to M. Butt and his lackeys.

    Brent has no issues with carbon-dirty builds.

  2. The planning game is rigged by the dictate of Brent Council being in cahoots with the developers and pitifully few voices able or willing to stand up to M. Butt and his lackeys.

    How true this is Anon at 22:59

    Has anyone seen the state of the canal in Alperton, what a mess has been made by the developers and has Brent dione anything? They have not even got a team down to save the Ducks and Swans whose habitat has been destroyed

  3. I've just been listening to Cllr. Butt's opening statement in this FoE online hustings. One of his key claims on what Brent Labour is doing for the environment was: 'We've invested £44m at Morland Gardens'.

    Brent's plans for 1 Morland Gardens is a subject I know quite a lot about!

    Cllr. Butt appeared to be referring to the new adult college facilities which Brent is proposing to build there. £15m of CIL has been allocated to pay for that.

    The £44m is the overall cost of the project, of which c.£1.25m has been spent on converting the former Stonebridge Primary School Annexe to provide a temporary home for Brent Start while the 1 Morland Gardens site is redeveloped.

    That redevelopment involves demolishing an important heritage asset, a locally listed Victorian villa, building over its existing grounds AND building over the Harlesden City Challenge Community Garden outside the site of 1 Morland Gardens.

    In order to build the proposed development, the existing footpath from Hillside to Morland Gardens (with a band of trees in the Community Garden providing a wide screen between pedestrians and the busy traffic on Brentfield Road) will need to be "stopped-up".

    If that is done, pedestrians (including parents taking their children to the nursery at the Catholic Church) who currently use it will have to walk beside two busy roads, which are among the worst for air pollution in Brent.

    So how green are your Morland Gardens plans, Cllr. Butt?

  4. The only colour that goes with Butt is PURPLE during his all TOO COMMON RAGES at people who don't agree with him.

  5. Perhaps Butt thinks having his Bestie Councillor Krupa Sheth as his fellow councillor in his ward will make him look greener and less purple? Doubtful, but then he is very good at making bad decisions isn't he?

  6. Water Butt all of South Kilburn Flood Zone

  7. Why did Cllr Krupa Sheth not speak at these hustings for Labour? She's currently Lead Member for the Environment at Brent Council an Executive post with responsibility for...

    "Waste Collection

    Environmental Management including area managers

    Enviro Crime and Enforcement

    Street Cleaning Recycling

    West London Waste Authority

    2023 Veolia / Conway’s / SERCO / Bouygues Street Lighting contracts

    Euro 2020 Preparations

    Air Quality / Climate change

    Parking, CPZ, Street Lighting & Trees

    Parks, Cemeteries

    Environmental Health, Pest Control, Funeral Services


    Transport Planning Operational


    Surely she's better placed to answer Environment questions from Brent residents?

  8. Anon 20:59 - Because Butt runs the Environment portfolio, and always has. Poor Krupa just reads (badly) statements prepared by officers. As for answering questions on the hoof, she'd be a joke, she'd actually be even more of a joke than she already is.
