Friday 15 April 2022

Do not view before eating: Photographic evidence of Wealdstone Brook sewage pollution

With the planning application for the Lidding Road Garages, close to the Wealdstone Brook, coming up on Wednesday (See LINK ) a reader has helpfully sent me photographs taken today of the sewage pollution in the brook. Raw faeces flowing into the water. Surely councillors cannot ignore this?


  1. There is a bill before Parliament to ban bonuses for water company bosses until sewage spills into rivers stop. Executives have been awarded £27 million in bonuses in the past two years despite pumping out raw sewage into waterways 1,000 times a day!

  2. If we are talking ignoring sewage/ pollution, we can also talk flood risk ambiguity which also supports developer executive bonusses.

    45 Kilburn Park Road, City of Westminster on the opposite bank of the River Westbourne from Unity Place, Brent owned. Application number 20/08040/full- this for 87 affordable 'Extra Care' homes.

    Its not a tower project- 6 storey max, but has a lot of hard landscaping, no green roofs, flood risk assessment does recommend raising homes above ground level and new car parking is also raised level despite this sites being 'very low flood risk?'
