Saturday 14 January 2023

Difficulties with South Kilburn redevelopment?

We know that rising costs of regeneration schemes in the pipeline have led to proposals for changes in tenure. There is a clue to possible similar problems in South Kilburn in the last paragraph of the Finance Report going to Cabinet on Monday morning that follows information on slippages totalling £16.2m.

South Kilburn

South Kilburn has a budget variance of £16.2m, owing to slippage.

There is a £5.2m slippage due to acquisitions being forecast in future years primarily on Austen House and Blake Court. A £4.9m SCIL contribution from the NWCC projects will not be used within the financial year. There is a £4m slippage on the Carlton and Granville project, the project has moved into the construction phase after procurement and the forecast now reflects a more realistic schedule. There is slippage of £1m on the District Energy Network
project which will be used in future years due to the concept design being reworked to meet the amended requirements of the London Plan. There is also a £1.1m slippage on the infrastructure works at Peel and Carlton Vale Boulevard.

Risk and Uncertainties

The mixed-use nature of the scheme relies on developers making the schemes viable and providing the affordable housing alongside the private units. Possible difficulties with high inflation could make this more difficult, so the programme is reviewed regularly to ascertain the potential impact on future phases.


  1. Brent council are heading towards the blackhole of bankruptcy with ever increasing ineptitude. Cllr Patel's maths appear worse than McLennan's but then she's no doubt being led by Towerblock and Hubris, with a Chess piece and pawns close behind.

  2. All heavily loaded towards the developers as usual and backed by Butt

  3. Will Butt become a developer when he's chucked out? He's bound to get Planning Permssion for any old dross just as he does now

  4. Brent's South Kilburn regeneration programme is a a redevelopment. Brent and its developer partners may be building "more much needed homes" but these are not fr council tenants but for private sale and profit.
    Planning application 21/2587 | Full planning application for the demolition of the existing Hereford House and Exeter Court There are 135 flats in Hereford House, plus another 32 in the 3 blocks that make up Exeter Court, making a total of 167 council flats to be demolished. The scheme will deliver 106 social homes, and 18 shared ownership." A total of 124 owned by the council. and 123 private. 167 Council flats replaced by 124. And 123 private. This application was submitted in July 2021 and still has no date to go to committee.
    Planning application 21/4354 | Demolition of the two 11-story blocks -Crone Court and Craik Court -and the one 4-story Zangwill House totalling 170 flats (households) replacing them with with 252 new flats of which 104 (41%) will be for social rent 148 (59%) sold privately. This application was submitted in November 2021 and still has no date to go to committee.
    Planning application 16/1191. Demolition of existing buildings at 5-9 Chippenham Gardens, Kilburn Park Post Office and 4-26 Stuart Road (even numbers). A post office and 12 council flats demolished and replaced with 52 flats of which only 22 are social housing (housing association) and the remaining 30 sold on the private market with a one bedroom selling for £527,000. Read the comments objecting to the plan on Brent's planning website; all to no avail.
    No doubt the council and developers have similar plans for the block on the other side of Chippenham Garden - John Ratcliffe House with its nice big car park. Get a lot of luxury private flats in there.

  5. Brent's South Kilburn regeneration programme is a a redevelopment. Brent and its developer partners may be building "more much needed homes" but these are not fr council tenants but for private sale and profit.
    Planning application 21/2587 | Full planning application for the demolition of the existing Hereford House and Exeter Court There are 135 flats in Hereford House, plus another 32 in the 3 blocks that make up Exeter Court, making a total of 167 council flats to be demolished. The scheme will deliver 106 social homes, and 18 shared ownership." A total of 124 owned by the council. and 123 private. 167 Council flats replaced by 124. And 123 private. This application was submitted in July 2021 and still has no date to go to committee.
    Planning application 21/4354 | Demolition of the two 11-story blocks -Crone Court and Craik Court -and the one 4-story Zangwill House totalling 170 flats (households) replacing them with with 252 new flats of which 104 (41%) will be for social rent 148 (59%) sold privately. This application was submitted in November 2021 and still has no date to go to committee.
    Planning application 16/1191. Demolition of existing buildings at 5-9 Chippenham Gardens, Kilburn Park Post Office and 4-26 Stuart Road (even numbers). A post office and 12 council flats demolished and replaced with 52 flats of which only 22 are social housing (housing association) and the remaining 30 sold on the private market with a one bedroom selling for £527,000. Read the comments objecting to the plan on Brent's planning website; all to no avail.
    No doubt the council and developers have similar plans for the block on the other side of Chippenham Gardens - John Ratcliffe House with its nice big car park. Get a lot of luxury private flats in there.

  6. Oh Brent Council what are you doing, is this social cleansing? It might be in Kilburn while most of the rest of the borough plunges ito poverty
