Friday 13 January 2023

Extraordinary Brent Council Meeting on January 23rd to appoint Brent's new Chief Executive


The Seniot Staff Appoints Panel, consisting of 4 (three women and one man) members of the Labour Cabinet and Conservative Cllr Suresh Kansagra as well as two officers including the outgoing CEO Carolyn Downs, will be interviewing candidates for the post of Brent Council Chief Executive Officer and Head of Paid Services on Tuesday.

All Brent councillors have been summoned to an Extraordinary  Full Council Meeting the following Monday, January 23rd  at 6pm, to hear the Panel's recommendation and approve the appointment (it is unlikely that they won't but there may be limited dissent).

Carolyn Downs' term finishes in April. Lately, as part of her legacy, she has sough to improve relations between the three parties represented on the council. 



  1. So Butt will decide who we get, obviously his three councillors will obviously go along with his choice.

  2. So we know who's in Mo's good books - Mili, Promise and Krupa!!!

  3. Obviously Mo would have Krupa in there!

  4. Has a short list been announced or do wait for a puff of white smoke to find out who the new boss is.

    Whoever it is will find themselves trying to squeeze blood from a stone - Brent, like most councils, is hurting for cash.

  5. There will be a report after Tuesday's Panel Meeting which should appear on the agenda for the Council Meeting. I will update when it is published. I expect it to only list one receommnded candidate.

  6. So we know some of Mo's favorites then, but actually we knew that already judging by some of the comments above. The rumour mill continues to grind away at who is in Mo's good books and ......

  7. ... who is not?

  8. All Brent Council meetings are Extraordinary and generally propled by jesters and best buddies
