Thursday 6 July 2023

Evening with authors Kamilla Shamsie and Caroline Smith - Monday 10th July - Preston Comunity Library

Evening with authors Kamilla Shamsie and Caroline Smith - Monday 10th July 7pm

Author Kamila Shamsie and poet Caroline Smith will be joining us at the library on the at 7pm to read from their books and poems.  Full details were in our last mailing, but the poster is attached again below.

Further information:  More tickets have been released.  To get a ticket click on the following link:  Eventbrite:

If you have difficulties then email us at the address below. If after booking you find you can't come, please either go to Eventbrite and cancel or let us know by emailing us at  This means that we can give the ticket to someone else.



1 comment:

  1. Caroline Smith is MP Barry Gardiner's wife -she live Wembley Central so why this event in Preston? Why not being local library in Ealing Road?
