Sunday 13 August 2023

Brent Council challenged on apparent attempt to restrict public information on the Barham Park restrictive covenant


The elephant in the room at the Planning Committee that approved George Irvin's planning application to build 4 three storey houses in Barham Park was the restrictive covenant on the two small park workers' houses on the site.

'Not a planning issue' residents were told by officers as they consigned the poor elephant to invisibility.

Perhaps not but the elephant was perhaps a fly in George Irvin's or Muhammed Butt's ointment.

Now a Barham Park Strategic Property Review, including the covenant, is to take place with Muhammed Butt heading it up as Leader of Brent Council. He is also Chair of the Barham park Trustees charged with preserving and enhancing the park for the benefit of residents in the spirit of the Titus Barham bequest. 

Unfortunately residents who hoped to see the elephant properly dealt with in an open and accountable manner may be kept in the dark as a restriction has been placed on publication and thus public discussion of any proposal:

Barham Park Strategic Property Review

By virtue of paragraph(s) 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.

Explanation of Reasons

  • By Virtue of Paragraph 3

    Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


    Information falling within paragraph 3 above is not exempt information by virtue of that paragraph if it is required to be registered under-(a)the Companies Acts (as defined in section 2 of the Companies Act 2006); (b)the Friendly Societies Act 1974; (c)the Friendly Societies Act 1992; (d)the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts 1965 to 1978; (e)the Building Societies Act 1986; or (f)the Charities Act 1993

    Information is not exempt information if it relates to proposed development for which the local planning authority may grant itself planning permission pursuant to regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992

    Information which-(a)falls within any of paragraphs 1 to 7 above; and (b)is not prevented from being exempt by virtue of paragraph 8 or 9 above, is exempt information if and so long, as in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information

Cllr Paul Lorber is challening the claim in the restriction that:

....the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information

In a letter to Brent Council officers he says:

I note the latest Forward Plan mentions a number of Reports coming to the above meeting including on issues of the Covenant, Architects Report and Governance.

There is a suggestion that some of the information may be exempt and not provided in the public reports. 

As you are aware there is a great deal of public interest and concern in relation to these matters. 

In relation to all the matters to be reported on it is clear that the Public Interest in disclosing the information outweighs any public interest in maintains the exemption.

In view of this I trust that you will ensure that all information is published in full in all the reports to be presented to the meeting (including any information & advice given in pre meetings) on which any recommendations or decisions will be based.

If any information is to be withheld please provide a list of this information and the grounds on which it is withheld and the justification why the public interest withholding it outweighs the public interest in disclosing it. 

Please confirm that this will be done.


  1. Clearly a Brent Council stitch up.

    All the information should be a available for all residents of Wembley to read in advance at least a week before the meeting - Barham Park Trust Committee Members are accountable to all the residents of Wembley, if they have nothing to hide why are they hiding it????

  2. The Barham Park Trust Committee is (quite wrongly in my view, which I've expressed to top Officers at Brent Council several times over the years) a sub-committee of Brent's Cabinet, with only Cabinet members allowed to be members of the Committee.

    Since he took over as Leader of Brent Council in May 2012, Muhammed Butt had taken little interest in Barham Park affairs. He delegated membership of the Committee to other Cabinet members, normally with the Deputy Leader as Chair.

    Then, in May 2021, he became both a member of, and Chair of, the Barham Park Trust Committee. Why the sudden interest? Did this have anything to do with George Irvin? I think we need honest answers from the Council Leader!

  3. Accountable, pull the other one. They .... on residents

  4. Butt and Irvin are m8s it seems, Irvin was with Butt at one of the skip events and Irvin attended a wedding in the Butt family, from all accounts Butt son. London Borough of Bent.

  5. And don't forget Brent Councillors including at least one on the Brent Council Planning Commitee accepted gifts from the developer George Irvin - it all stinks and needs a thorough investigation.

  6. Hopefully some investigative journalists will look into the very close connections between Brent Councillors who are on the Barham Park Trust Committee and the Brent Councillors who are on the Brent Council Planning Committee...


    Cllr Mo Butt, Leader of Brent Council is currently Chair of the Barham Park Trust Committee which is blatantly now trying to get the protective covenant on the site of the 2 ex park keeper houses removed for this development to go ahead - the Barham Park Trust Committee should instead be protecting this historic park! Cllr Mo Butt apparently invited the developer George Irvin to his son’s wedding.

    Cllr Mo Butt’s brother Cllr Saqib Butt and Cllr Mo Butt’s brother-in-law Cllr Ajmal Akram are both on the Brent Council Planning Committee which voted in favour of this development despite the protective covenant being in place to stop development on the site.

    Cllr Mili Patel is Deputy Leader of the Council and she is also on the Barham Park Trust Committee while her husband is Cllr Matt Kelcher is Chair of the Brent Council Planning Committee.

    Cllr Mo Butt's fellow Tokyngton Cllr, Krupa Sheth, is also on the Barham Park Trust Committee while her uncle Cllr Ketan Sheth is a Wembley Central councillor - Barham Park was recently moved into Wembley Central ward due to boundary changes.

    Another Wembley Central Cllr Rajan-Seelan is also on the Brent Council Planning Committee.

    There is something not right here! Residents interests are not even being considered by the councillors they are elected to represent and our much loved Barham Park is not being protected by the Barham Park Trust Committee which residents are not even allowed to sit on.

  7. Titus Barham will be turning in his grave, he certainly wouldn't have TRUSTED the present Trustees with his legacy.

  8. It would be interesting to see the book of declarations
