Wednesday 9 August 2023

Keep Kensal Green - Ladbroke Grove Sainsbury's development site contamination issue VIDEO



  1. Posh white elders don’t want other people to get on the housing ladder. They think that a Sainsbury is the pinnacle of the area there. Right nimbies

  2. Awful that we're are in such a place where profit trumps decency. The developers will make a fortune, the resident's health will suffer and any retro fitting needed due to climate change will be funded by the public.

  3. Awful that we're in a place where profit trumps decency every time. The developers will make a fortune, the resident's health will suffer and any retro fitting needed to combat climate change will be paid for by the public.

  4. Did you not hear Jo Sidhu QC say in the film that ‘some of the toxins had a disproportionately bad impact on people of colour’?

    Clearly this proposed development is a matter of concern for all residents!!!

    Suggest you watch the whole film before jumping to conclusions.

    1. so air pollution is racist now. Behave
