Sunday 29 October 2023

35 Brent Labour Councillors choose the 'right side of history' and call for a ceasefire in the Middle East conflict


  1. A comprehensive statement with clear intentions. Shame about the remaining 14…

  2. Some may not have been contactable but there are also likely to have been some refusals. Perhaps constituents should ask them.

  3. The Government are not going to listen to these Councillors so now the Councillors will know what it feels like not to be listened to like they do with us Brent constituents!

  4. The missing Councillors are:

    All the five Tories
    All three Lib Dems

    That's not really a surprise is it? It is doubtful they were even invited.

    However, the fourteen Labour Councillors who did not support the call for a seize fire are:


    Very sad that these fourteen Labour Councillors don't agree with the majority of the country as seen from the various national polls.

    Do these fourteen Labour Councillors really then support the ongoing violence in the middle east?

    1. Bajwa, Kelcher and Patel have now also signed

    2. Shame on these councillors that didn’t vote against the genocide we are seeing unfolding in Gaza, which the ICJ has said it’s ‘plausible’ in legal speak. The people in their wards need to know.

  5. Well done to Dawn and these Cllrs. Leaving aside their failings in Brent, pleased to see them make a stand against genocide in Gaza. They, however, need to do more. The murder of innocent Israelis and Palestinians can never be justified. Hamas is rightly condemned for its barbaric actions by the press and western governments, why isn't the State of Israel - it is killing thousands of children? Disgraceful.

  6. Interesting division between Butt and Tatler on this. Normally they are so in sync.

  7. It is the second split this Autumn. The previous one was on a similar issue when she and Nerva took on Butt and the majority of the Labour Group. Rumours of a potential leadership bid were laughed off by insiders due to her unpopularity in the party but she has tried to showcase herself in the Acting Leader role while Butt was on leave - especially her performance at Scrutiny and Cabinet.

  8. Isn't this just social media bullying?

    How do we know that the other Labour councillors haven't written directly to Keir Starmer?

    1. If they’ve written to Keir directly surely 1) that has less of an impact and 2) they should’ve had no issue in signing the above statement

    2. How exactly do you know that writing direct to Keir Starmer has less of an impact?

      Why should they be pressurised into signing the statement?

    3. Who in their right mind would have such an elevated sense of self-importance to be of the impression that their singular statement would go further than a collective statement from over 30 individuals.

      No one’s pressuring anyone to do anything. Maybe have a think about why you’re being so touchy about this. Could it be that you’re one of the 14 who’s now regretting their decision?

    4. Sometimes a direct letter from a single person can make all the difference depending on how they actually convey their thoughts, ideas and requests and depending on what impact they have already made in their career or through their personal achievements.

  9. They are welcome to say so here if they wish.

  10. Why should they have to though? Not everyone lives their life on social media.

  11. Of course they don't have to and no one has to read social media either.

  12. Anon 30 October 2023 at 10:33

    Rumors abound that there is current civil war between Brent Labour Councillors which is being highlighted by this current division.

    At least if Tatler and Nerva lose this civil war (current score is 35/14) then hopefully there will be an improvement in Brent, or at least we can hope so? The Council might even try to build Social Housing for our thousands in temporary accomadation instead of properties that we don't need and serve no purpose for Brent's population.

  13. if people had listened to jeremy Corbyn, instead of calling him anti semitic...
    it might never have come to this?

  14. MPs Butler and Gardiner were in Jeremy Corbyn shadow Cabinet so hardly Keir Starmer fans. He is unlikely to listen to them or any Brent Labour Councillors. After all did not the Labour Leader of Brent Council proudly announce that he had joined Momentum a while back?

    In any case the chances of a Cease Fire are Zero until Hamas releases all the hostages. Why are Hamas so stupid as to be still holding Nepalese and other non Israeli citizens as hostages?

  15. Would be great to see a motion at next full council with Brent supporting a ceasefire.

  16. There is a lot of ignorance about the history of the region. In 1947 the UN agreed a two state solution. When Israel declared independence in 1948 the surrounding Arab countries used military force to attack. The 10 months war cost a lot of lives on both sides. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced as a result of the war started by the Arab states - and NOT just the Palestinians. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were forced to leave their homes in Arab countries too.

    Hamas did not just slaughter over 1,000 civilians from many countries in just 24 hours - they also proudly boasted of firing of over 5,000 rockets into Israel.

    Hardly surprising that Israel will do everything possible to destroy Hamas before stopping their military action.

    What would you expect the British Government to do if a Hamas 'Government' voted in by the Palestinians decided to fire 5,000 rockets on London or other cities in the UK?

    All these calls for a cease fire are just empty posturing.

    1. Yes their ignorance is that a land belonging to native people living there for millennia was given to European colonisers. Of course native people are not going to accept that without resisting. The Anglo Saxons didn’t when Romans, Vikings, Normans colonised them, neither the native Americans & Aborigines. That’s the context

  17. An interesting question is would Israel use collective punishment if Hamas were hiding amongst its own civilians. The usual answer seems to be of course not. That pretty much sums up the current state of affairs, and why there’s so much pro-Palestinian support.

    Note: pro-Palestine does not mean pro-Hamas.

    Also Wikipedia is a poor source.
