Friday 22 December 2023

Brent Council publishes its Air Quality Action Plan - protecting those most at risk. Brent has some of the most toxic air in the UK and pollutants can cause serious harm. It is estimated air pollution kills 149 Brent residents each year.



From Brent Council

Brent’s new plan for how to improve air quality and protect those most at risk from toxic air over the next four years was passed by Cabinet this week. 


Brent has some of the most toxic air in the UK and pollutants can cause serious harm. It is estimated air pollution kills 149 Brent residents each year. 


The Air Quality Action Plan 2023-2027 (AQAP) sets out how the council will work closely with residents to combat the main sources of pollution in Brent, by:  

Improving transport and encouraging sustainable travel

  • Making homes and buildings energy efficient 
  • Tackling pollution from construction sites
  • Reducing inequalities through raising awareness of the health impacts of pollution.


To support this plan, the council is launching its Air Quality Champions programme which aims to recruit community volunteers to raise awareness of pollution and help shape solutions. Apply to become an Air Quality Champion and help the council deliver this important work. 


Air quality has improved in Brent but pollution remains at dangerous levels in parts of the borough, particularly around the North Circular and in Harlesden. The action plan prioritises these areas to tackle pollution there first. 


Through committing to thirty-seven actions, the AQAP will aim to reduce levels of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particulate Matter (PM2.5 and PM10). 


Sign up to Brent’s Environmental Network to stay up to date about Brent Council’s work to combat the climate emergency and poor air quality. 

Read the Air Quality Action Plan (2023-27).  

 Here are some key images from the Action plan (it is more than 100 pages so best viewed via the above links:

Note PM10 and PM 2.5 Measure Particulate Matter LINK  NOx measure Nitrogen oxides LINK


Image from Philip Grant's May 2022 Stopping-up Order objection, as referred to in his comment of 22 December below.


  1. This Brent Council don't care about airpolution when it comes to building more of their student acclamation and rabbit hutches pretending to be homes. Building to make profits for developers and private landlord is obviously more important than people's health and lives. Remember that life expectancy in Brent is falling. Also, have we ever had so many kids and adults with learning disabilities? Nothing to do with the substantial air pollution from demolition crushing concrete and building?

    And all for what, while Brent socially cleanses our homeless and housing list continues to climb

  2. “Brent Council Publishes its air quality action plan” - as Greta Thunberg would say ‘blah, blah, blah’!!!

    We need actual ‘Deeds not Words’ please.

  3. Brent Council please can you at least own up to all the environmental damage you have already created through granting planning permission for so much construction work by republishing your action plan with an up to date and accurate image of Wembley Stadium taken from the Welsh Harp - any recent photo would show all the tower blocks and building cranes which now surround it clearly illustrating the major pollutant we all face in Brent - this more up to date photo shows some of the tower blocks which now surround the stadium with worse to come:

    This article explains the pollutants from construction works: https//

  4. Brent Council to improve air quality you need to…

    Close all the new car parks around Wembley stadium which have been built in recent years - it is supposed to be a public transport destination yet Brent Council are encouraging car travel to the stadium and you local buses to be diverted on event days inconveniencing commuters and vulnerable local people. Brent Council have even been selling parking spaces in Fryent Park on events days, making money out of this vital green space cannot be acceptable.

    Stop pollarding street trees in full leaf during nesting season - we need leaves to trap pollution, we need shade from the trees to cool our streets and we need the insects which live in the trees to feed the wildlife - yet Brent Council allow their contractors to cause all this destruction.

    Solve the traffic jam issues on our major roads to stop traffic speeding through and polluting our residential road - Brent Council have paid for various traffic studies but nothing improves.

    Get more traffic wardens ticketing and moving cars on so that traffic is not blocked by cars parked illegally - wardens wander around the back streets looking for residents parked in legal spaces who might have forgotten to put a permit in their car or in their visitors car but they do not move on or ticket cars and motorbikes parked on double yellow lines in places like Ealing Road, Chaplin Road and Wembley High Road.

    97% of cars travelling during rush hour have just one person in them so offer car sharing incentives and provide better local public transport!

    Plant more trees!

    Insist that no mature trees can be cut down for any construction works - any good architect could design a profitable scheme around existing mature trees.

  5. see here photo of the new Wembley Stadium - shocking to see all the empty space there used to be and realise just how much has been built there, no wonder there is now so much pollution in Wembley 😮

  6. Just got MP Barry Gardiner's 2024 calendar through the door.

    Reading through it we were shocked to see that last year he travelled to "Svardbad...the most northerly settlement on the planet where our world leading scientists work to understand the impacts of climate change". And then he travelled to the UN COP 28 climate summit in Dubai claiming to be there "persuading the world's leaders to take the science more seriously. Our children demand and deserve nothing less".

    In 2023 he also travelled to India to "address the spectacular celebration in Ahmedabad"

    Were those three trips where he must have travelled by plane really necessary? He could have held meetings on zoom and could have sent a recorded message to the centenary celebration.

    We are all being told to walk or cycle to save the planet yet politicians are amongst the worst polluters - they should all be leading by example not preaching to us 😞
