Saturday 20 January 2024

35,000 incidents of flytipping in Brent in 2022-23 makes it the highest of all English Boroughs

 The BBC yesterday LINK  published government data which showed that the London Boorough of Brent had the highest number of flytipping incidents of all Ennglish boroughs. 

The news that there were 35,000 incidents of flytipping in Brent in 2022-23 was greeted with a distinct lack of surprise on local social media.


  1. BBC report actually says that "Brent recorded the highest number of incidents of any England borough with 35,000 incidents in 2022-23" - so the worst in England not just London!!!

  2. The London Borough of Bent and twisted

  3. The only way this figure will come down is if Bent install's CCTV camera's in hotspot locations and more effective Enforcement.

  4. Look forward to Brent Council's excuses for this - no doubt it'll be Maggie Thatcher's fault!

  5. It's truly disheartening to witness the alarming rise in flytipping incidents in Brent, particularly after everything our labour council does for you all. These staggering numbers highlight the consequences of the Conservatives' relentless pursuit of budget cuts, as well as the hangover from the liberal democrat coalition leaving our communities vulnerable. The Labour council passionately strives to address these challenges, but the impact of such policies is evident. We must unite against these cuts and work towards a better, cleaner future for all residents, irrespective of their background.

    However, we must also acknowledge the role residents play in exacerbating the issue. The multicultural fabric of Brent is a strength, but when combined with personal histories of countries and cultures with irregular rubbish collections, it becomes a challenge. It's crucial for all residents, regardless of background, to take responsibility for their waste. We must encourage a collective effort to maintain cleanliness and discourage laziness among residents. Particularly these claims that they don’t know how to put paper and cardboard in a blue bag. They, you and we must do better given the climate emergency. What i know is that the Labour council remains committed to fostering a sense of responsibility and collaboration to address this complex problem, caused by conservatives and liberal democrats. Be sure to vote out the tories and liberals at the next brent council elections so that we have more labour councillors to work for you.

    1. Thought you'd blame it on the Tories - what daft reasoning.

      The only way to tackle this issue is enforcement and openly naming and shaming those who do get fined.

    2. Thanks for the patronising lecture, Anonymous. All of London is multicultural and full of different communities - this is an enforcement problem, not a cultural problem. In Brent, unscrupulous individuals know they can dump with impunity. It's true to say that ultimately the dumpers are the bad guys - but the reason they feel impunity is the council's poor performance.

  6. Dear Anon 20 January 2024 at 14:47

    I presume you realise most residents in Brent disagree with you wholeheartedly councillor, they know how bad Labour are locally but are afraid of the same problems with the Tories. The only reason Labour are in power in B~ent is that the other parties are useless or have no hope at all. One can only despair for the future broken B~ent.

    Why we have to vote Labour just to keep the mad Tories out is a terrible dilemma. Then we should vote for the Libdems, no, that would be a wasted vote.

    We could vote for other parties, but that would let one of the terrible trio in.

    Whichever way we look at it, everyone is an enabler of some sort, vote Labour and you enable Brent becoming dirtier, shabbier, poorer and generally much sadder, and definitely retain its position as one of the three poorest boroughs in London. Vote Tory and you could enable the selfish ones to take over. Whichever way we vote we will end up with self aggrandising people to ruin B~ent even more.

    Please someone, what is the solution to this?

    1. A vote in the local elections is NOT the same as a vote in the national elections!

      If you vote Labour in a local election you will not get rid of Rishi Sunak as our Prime Minister!

      In local elections you should always vote for the councillors you believe will do a good job for the place where you live - ideally a mix of councillors from various parties is better than a majority from one party that will completely ignore local residents views as there is no opposition.

  7. Labour in Brent:

    1. Introduced a charge for collecting larger domestic items
    2. Labour scrapped weekly refuse collections
    3. Labour scrapped regular street sweeping
    4. Labour cut the sweeping of side roads close to shopping streets
    5. Labour scrapped weekly clean of each residential streets - now they only send a sweeper if you report dirt in your street
    6. Labour introduced the blue bags for paper & cardboard recycling - and the way these are collected results in even more litter in our streets

    Is anyone really surprised that Brent streets are dirty and under the Labour Leadership of Muhammad Butt Brent has reached the accolade of being the TOP area for dumping in the whole country?

    Will any Labour Councillor take responsibility? Will the Labour Leader or the Labour Councillor responsible for this Shame resign?

    Of course not - they will simply blame others - and still waste £2 million on revamp of the Civic Centre rather than cleaning up our streets!

    1. Brent Labour also removed all litter bins on residential streets to save just £53K pet year or approx 20p per Brent Resident leaving our streets full of unsightly litter.

      What example are they setting our kids when they see all this litter and fly tipping everywhere?

    2. Don't forget Brent Council also gave multi-billion pound developer Quintain £17.8million of our NCIL money for their vanity project steps outside Wembley Stadium - that huge amount of money could have been spent on projects to find solutions to fly tipping and the other issues that blight our lives as residents in Brent.

  8. Newham Council in East London is Labour run with fewer opposition councillors than in Brent (60 Labour, 3 Newham Independent, 2 Green Party and 1 Independent) - residents in Newham pay less Council Tax than we do here in Brent yet they have weekly collections for BOTH general rubbish and recycling, not alternate weeks which must mean less rubbish is flytipped and Newham Council have been working with Keep Britain Tidy to reduce flytipping with two thirds of sites delivering an average 42% reduction in fly-tipping:

    Why can't Brent Council implement an initiative like this???

    I'm sure most residents would do all they can to support Brent Council to clean up our streets but Brent Council must take the lead as it is their officers who are have the legal backing to enforce the existing fly tipping regulations.

    1. Aren’t you bored of making the same comment time and time again despite people challenging you on how you can’t look at one service in isolation??? Saying it more often doesn’t make it any more right!!!

  9. "Figures from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs show there were 9,222 fly-tipping incidents in Harrow in the year to March 2023 – a decrease of 6% from 9,802 in 2021-22."

    Why is fly tipping in Harrow so much less than in Brent? Where do these numbers come from?

  10. For clarification the report states that there were 35,000 cases REPORTED. It does not state that the perpetrators were Brent residents. It tells me that more residents are committed to doing their civic duty by reporting. As someone who has experienced Fly-tipping on private property in the past, both incidents were reported and investigated and found to be perpetrated by people from Haringay and Enfield. Whilst I too am extremely unhappy about the changes made to our Waste and Recycling collections by Brent Council, which I hope will be resolved in the near future a lot more could be done with regard to use of CCTV, name and shame like some other councils, and better and more rigorous enforcement. Especially in some wards where it is well known this is down to local residents.

    1. Doesn't matter who dumped the rubbish - what matters is that Brent Council have done nothing at all to implement anything to deter fly tipping in the same places everyday.

      Most of the Brent Council Officers who deal with waste enforcement live outside of Brent so have no vested interest in keeping Brent clean and tidy!

    2. Behave Jaine, making out that the reporting is so great and this is why it is so bad here 🤦‍♀️

  11. Seeing the comment above about Newham borough having a better refuse service despite lower Council tax I checked and indeed Newham residents pay significantly less than us in Brent, see below.

    It does make you wonder how a Labour run Council in Newham can balance the books while our services just keep getting cut in Labour run Brent???

    Current Council Tax bands and rates:

    Band A
    Brent  £1,282.97
    Newham £1,085.02

    Band B 
    Brent £1,496.79
    Newham  £1,265.85

    Band C 
    Brent £1,710.62
    Newham £1,446.69

    Band D 
    Brent £1,924.45 
    Newham £1,627.53

    Band E 
    Brent £2,352.11 
    Newham £1,989.21

    Band F
    Brent  £2,779.76 
    Newham £2,350.87

    Band G
    Brent £3,207.42 
    Newham £2,712.55

    Band H 
    Brent £3,848.90
    Newham £3,255.06

    1. Our higher taxes are likely for the councillors allowances increase year on year.

    2. The maths isn’t mathsing. How much do cllrs allowances increase yoy and is the figure really £200 per household?! I doubt it.

    3. You’re the same commenter for both comments 😂

  12. They have more councillors in Newham too so really how do they make things work?

    1. Why don’t you ask them.

    2. Instead Brent Council should advise why they can't do the same.

    3. Have you even bothered to ask them though? 😂 I’m not sure you know how the world works. If every business went around saying why they DON’T do something do you realise how inefficient that is? And I’m sure you’d then complain about the money and resources wasted in doing that too!
