Thursday 30 May 2024

By-election for election of a Queens Park councillor

 From Brent Council website:


A Local Government Councillor for the Queens Park Ward in the London Borough of Brent

Notice is hereby given under Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 that a casual vacancy exists for the office of Councillor for the Queens Park ward of the London Borough of Brent.

Requesting a by-election

A by-election is only triggered by local government electors requesting a by-election to take place.

This requires TWO local government electors within the London Borough of Brent giving notice to the Proper Officer of the authority that an election should take place. 

Holding a by-election

On receipt of the requests to fill the vacancy, the Returning Officer will set a date for an election to be held within 35 days.

All requests for a by-election regarding this Casual Vacancy must be sent to the Proper Officer at: Chief Executive’s Office, Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley HA9 0FJ or by email to or

Kim Wright, Returning Officer
(Proper Officer for the London Borough of Brent)
24 May 2024


  1. Do we know why Eleanor Southwood has stepped down?

  2. Get that request in quick, then the election can take place on the same day as the General Election, 4 July, and save us the cost of paying for separate polling!

  3. Obviously it's been set up to happen on the same day

  4. Anon 10.15. I can only surmise (but may be wrong) as some time ago got a demanding job at the RNIB when she stepped down from the Cabinet. Saves cost of stand alone by-election if happens on July 4th.

  5. Anon 30 May 2024 at 10:15 - it is rumoured that she no longer resides in the Borough

  6. A loss to the council and a chance for another Butt stooge to be secreted into our democracy

  7. Anon 30 May 2024 at 12:22 - A loss, hardly, a very blue labour councillor in the end. You might be right about a Butt loyalist being installed though, or maybe someone like Nerva or Crabb with links to the media and right wing of the Labour Party.

  8. More news, towerblock tatler to stand as mp on the other side of London!

  9. She was a stooge

  10. She’s been inactive as a councillor locally for over a year. Think she moved away
