Wednesday 22 May 2024

On the third strike day Byron Court strikers and supporters are in good heart and voice


Outside theBrent Civic Centre...

 and inside

Byron Court strikers and their parent and community supporters took their protest from the picket line to Brent Civic Centre this morning. Their energery remains undiminished on the third strike day against forced academisation and determinations has, if anything, increased.

Daniel Kebede, NEU General Secretary joined the picket line and congratulated the campign on their 'push back' on forced academisation that would stand as an example to others:



Buoyed by the support, including that of three Brent councillors, the strikers and supporters were in good voice on the picket line and at the Civic Centre. 




Yesterday one of the Byron Court NEU representatives, Alice Butterton, told Wembley Matters about the impact of the Ofsted judgement on staff and parents. (The Byron Court girls cricket team won their cricket tournament!) 



  1. Whose children... our children- literally not your children though. The parents of the children missing an education because of strikes or parents of children receiving an inadequate education might be worth listening to. Or the parents who are losing money because they cant get additional time off in strikes. Were they consulted? Thought the campaign was about limited parent voice? Or only if the parent happens to agree with your position? Convenient. Ignore the parents who might actually want to see what an academy education looks like v so called community school... campaigners only prioritse the part of the community that agrees with them. I.e. not a community.

  2. Less than 10 people in that photo are parents. Stop pretending that the campaign gives a damn about what parents at the school want. They are only focused on what they want. All about them and not how it impacts the other worried parents who fear for their kids' education. Keep politicians away from kids
