Tuesday 28 May 2024

Road Closures Plus in Wembley Park on Saturday June 1st - residents can expect travel plans disruption

There are additional road closures over and above the normal Wembley Event closures on Saturday June 1st for the UEFA Champions League match . This includes Bridge Road, Wembley Park Drive and Empire Way.

Residents' movements by car or public transport appears to be severely affected.

This is the Brent Council announcement:




This Saturday 1 June, the UEFA Champions League Final takes place at Wembley Stadium.


The area in and around Wembley Stadium will be extremely busy with additional road closures and diversions in place compared to traditional event day operations.


Borussia Dortmund fan march


Borussia Dortmund supporters will be taking part in a fan march from The Torch Pub on Bridge Road to Wembley Stadium from around 4pm on Saturday 1 June.


To provide a safe area for the fan march to congregate and move to the stadium, the following roads will be closed to all traffic:


  • Bridge Road
  • Wembley Park Drive (with local access up to Elmside Road)
  • Empire Way (with access up to Wembley Leisure Centre)
  • Fulton Road (between Empire Way & Rutherford Way)

Signed diversion routes will be in place while the roads are closed. The closures are expected to be in place for periods well before and after the fan march takes place.


A map of the road closures can be seen below:



Fryent Way coach parking


Fryent Way will be closed on Saturday 1 and 2 June between the hours of 5am (Saturday) and 4am (Sunday) to facilitate coach parking.


Fryent Park will be open, however visitors are advised that Fryent Country Park Car Park will not be accessible via vehicle and visitors should seek other parking arrangements if driving to the site.


Wembley Stadium concourse closure

The concourse area around level one of Wembley Stadium will be closed off to the public in the lead up to the upcoming UEFA Champions League Final.

New gates and shutters have been installed around the concourse, as part of The Football Association’s commitment to improve safety and security around the stadium footprint.


  • A full closure will be in place from 26 May up until 8pm on 5 June
  • From 6 June, the concourse will be closed between 8pm and 7am each night
  • The concourse will be open to the public on non-event-days between 7am and 8pm


Event day parking


Event day parking restrictions will be in place from 8am to midnight on main roads and from 10am to midnight on residential roads on Saturday 1 June.


If you have a paper permit, please make sure you clearly display it in your vehicle. If you have an electronic permit, you do not need to display this.


Drink-free zone


We want to create a safe and enjoyable experience for all visitors.


To crack down on anti-social behaviour, we will be enforcing a ban on street drinking in the streets around Wembley Stadium before this match, as part of the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO).

If we find anyone drinking on Olympic Way or in the surrounding streets, they will be asked to hand over their alcohol and enforcement action may be considered.


Off licences will not be selling alcohol to anyone attending this event on 1 June.


Latest information







  1. Says here ...

    "The FA are preparing to roll out largest EVER security operation in Wembley history for Champions League final in the first UEFA showpiece since drink and drug fuelled Euros chaos in 2021"


  2. Can only blame English supporters for the chaos of the Euros. Booze culture is embarrassing.

  3. The reason why we had so much trouble and chaos at the euros is because the authorities of Wembley Stadium, Brent Council and The Police didn't plan properly for this huge event occuring post all the covid lockdowns.

    There was no limit on people coming to the Wembley area and the local shops were openly selling unlimited amounts of alcohol to fans - we saw fans coming out of the shops with large cases of beer each!

    The Police, Brent Council and Wembley Stadium should have anticipated the potential for trouble, planned everything better and acted quicker on the day - we are Wembley residents and season ticket holders at a major London club and we were dismayed by the scenes we saw developing outside Wembley stadium that day as early as 2.00pm - we'd gone to take in the atmosphere and buy a programme but left soon after because we could see it was turning really ugly then - yet nothing was done quickly enough to manage the developing situation - people could have been killed because of the poor management of events that day.

    But hey look how quickly the police closed down the very peaceful vigil for Sarah Everard 😞

    1. If you watch the Netflix documentary you’ll see that it very much wasn’t predictable

  4. It wasn't predictable??? seriously??? The biggest sporting event for England since 1966 after the biggest ever lockdown of our country????

    London authorities and the police plan football matches every week - this would have been like throwing all those matches together onto one event.

    It was poor management that led to the trouble that day.

    1. It was not predictable. Did you watch the behind the scenes as advised? Even today more police are planned for central London than Wembley.

    2. You cannot completely absolve the drunken spectators.

    3. I'm not completely absolving the drunken spectators!

      The key factor is that it was an absolutely huge occasion and Brent Council and The Police should have stopped the local shops cashing in and selling fans a whole case of beer each - the poor planning then means the local shops around the stadium now cannot sell alcohol on football event days and we now have Public Space Protection Orders to stop people drinking on the streets.

  5. It wasn't drunken spectators who necessarily stormed the stadium.

  6. I’m a fan of PSPOs. There’s no need for street drinking. If people must drink they should be civilised about it.

  7. If only Brent Council Enforcement Officers spent as much time enforcing the PSPOs on non football days!!!

    Our streets, footpaths and our local parks are full alcohol drinkers each and every day, all hours of the day and night, yet they are not fined for drinking in a public space nor for littering.

  8. "Anonymous1 June 2024 at 14:13 says
    It was not predictable. Did you watch the behind the scenes as advised? Even today more police are planned for central London than Wembley."

    It absolutely was predictable, it should have been better planned for and action to clamp down on the ASB should have started earlier on the day.

  9. If as you claim the behaviour at the Euros wasn't predictable what about the anti social behaviour seen at the Champions League Final on Saturday night??? Did we learn nothing from the Euros? Once again we saw thugs trying to storm the Club Wembley Entrances.
    How were these thugs even allowed to get anywhere near these entrances???

    And later thugs were trying to enter Wembley Stadium exit doors during the cup presentation - again how were these thugs even allowed to get anywhere near these
    exit doors???

    If these people had got into the stadium who knows whether they were armed ready to injure people???

    Most importantly though these thugs were clearly NOT drunk and they were clearly NOT wearing football club colours - yet they still be described by people who don't understand the issues as 'drunken football hooligans'!

    What is worrying is that once again lots of the actual football fans (with valid tickets bought from their clubs) managed to get flares into the ground creating breathing issues for people who might have health issues like asthma - so very clearly the searches on entry to the stadium were once again very poorly carried out.

    1. If you think that wembley stadium security are patting down 90,000 supporters looking for flares you are sadly deluded

    2. Those flares could have caused a fire sparking a major evacuation of the stadium possibly leading to people being crushed in the panic to leave - there do need to be better searches for the safety of every supporter.

      We knew the Hicks sisters who were killed at Hillsborough - they went to that football match for a birthday celebration and never came home because of hpw badly that match was managed.

  10. It's not only the traffic issues, bus diversions and drunken and noisy sport/concert fans that inconvenience and upset residents - what about the police helicopters???

    Last Saturday we got home about 4pm and then had helicopters circling over our house for over four hours - on a nice summer evening we had to sit indoors with our windows closed to get away from the intolerable noise! How is this allowed to happen? What impact do Wembley Stadium, Brent Council and the police think this has on our mental health???

    We've lived in Wembley since the 1960s and have always loved living near the stadium but it's now getting unbearable.
