Wednesday 12 June 2024

Byron Court strikes against forced academisation continue on Friday and subsequent weeks

 From Brent National Education Union


NEU members at Byron Court Primary School are striking again in a fight to save their local community school which is threatened with a forced privatisation by the huge Harris Federation chain of academies. PICKET LINE OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL FRIDAY 14th JUNE 7.30-9.30am! [Subsequent dates: 18th/19th June, 25th/27th June and 2nd, 3rd and 4th July]


Staff at Byron Court Primary School in Wembley continue to strike to save their local community school from a forced “academy order” following an intimidating Ofsted inspection. They are striking  following their protest, alongside parents and the NASUWT outside the DfE last week in which a petition of over 2000 signatures was handed over, supported by Barry Gardiner, the constituency Labour Candidate.


THE NEU HAVE YESTERDAY LAUNCHED A “GO YELLOW” CAMPAIGN ACROSS ALL BRENT SCHOOLS in which staff are asked to wear yellow or black as an act of solidarity with striking members at Byron Court. Yellow and black are the current Byron Court uniform colours and the campaign is launched on the day that Harris Federation are forcing their way into the school to “consult” pupils on a new uniform.


Staff have today heard that the proposed TUPE consultation will not conclude until AFTER the general election, bringing real hope that the incoming Secretary of State will pause this forced academisation process.


Jenny Cooper of the NEU national executive has stated:


Forced academisation is a process opposed by most education unions and flies in the face of democracy; this should not happen in a civilised society. We call on all political parties to reverse this policy if elected and to start by intervening to save Byron Court


  1. When are kids studying or doing anything really if the neu and the minority few are pushing for strikes. I bet either party’s education secretaries will not have this on their priority list. Accept the acadmeisation and move on. No point in kids continue to suffer because a minority few have such a strong voice.

    1. Thank you so much to the teachers who are making such huge sacrifices to protect our community school!

    2. Striking is a desperate measure only taken when the alternative is much worse. Disruption is regrettable but nothing compares with the disruption Harris will bring

    3. Teacher turnover is over 30%in Harris Fed schools, much higher than others. Our kids will suffer if 1 in 3 leave every year


      "It would now be hard to deny that the children are getting a better standard of education. And that's the main thing"

      The claim that Harris will be worse holds no water if you look at results after academisation, as well as social media which shows kids on trips and doing sport. And improvement in standards. Is this about kids or adults? Where is the hard evidence that the alternative is worse? If ofsted is not enough evidence, then why campaign for a reinspection? Second time around would be different, why?

    5. Thank you for this link. It is from 2013, do you have a more recent example? I was under the understanding that academies were failing Ofsteds but that they could never go back to being local authority if they were failing?

    6. Most recent inspection of that school while under Harris was 2019 and continues to be outstanding. Why give outstanding schools back to LA if the academy is doing well. Doesnt matter if LA or academy - the only thing that's important is the kids receiving a good education. Can look at results and ofsted of other schools in same chain... if LA doing well no need to change anything. Not the case here.

    7. Haha - the local authority ie Brent allowed this school to run into the ground and you believe that they should still be allowed to continue their incompetence??? A MAT’s main line of work is running schools. Brent’s is to push councillor images to the forefront - it’s all image no action from them

  2. Everything that made it a lovely community school has disappeared already by creating divisions that are about the beliefs of the adults. What's unfair is allowing it to be run into the ground instead of allowing the changes to happen that would improve the school. All the strikes, campaigning etc means less focus on the children. They are the ones suffering. When the school should be allowed to get on with its improvement journey, instead children are having more time off school. So much distraction when the focus should be on kids not campaigns. Very worrying for
    Parents especially when you can see it affecting children - this just means allowing it to further deteriorate.

    1. Well done staff for taking such brave action when faced with such a terrible threat

    2. What makes you think that the school will improve from this forced Takeover from a trust who has no involvement in the this area? If you research into the trust and read up on other teachers from others schools managed by trusts you will see there is a high turnover of teachers as an example. Do you think would improve your childs education?

      There are a lot of people who do not understand what academisation will do and just believe what they read.

  3. I'm devastated we as a parent body have had the choice taken away from us, we haven't had any say in this entire process. Surely we should get the right to choose?

  4. Such a brave team of staff that are taking this step to try to defend the school and the futures of the children

  5. This whole issue is becoming politicised, including the author of this blog a leading left wing zealot protesting with militant NEU and similar thinking parents with others genuinely concerned protesting outside the school. Kudos to this blog owner to allow diverse vices though.

    Enough is enough now - move on, and hopefully the incoming Labour administration has a change of heart for the school, and follow what should’ve been due process. Let the kids back in for learning .

    1. Enjoy your retirement, Michael Gove

  6. The Choice was taken away by the Labour Government who decreed that a School assessed as failing (and Ofsted assessed Byron Court School as failing on many counts) should be turned into an Academy. That is currently the law and despite empty posturing by the Labour MP and some Labour Councillors the National Labour Party has been silent on whether they will change the law. It is time the striking teachers took the Labour Oarty to task and stopped punishing the children or their parents.

    1. Labour introduced academies as another option; however it was the Conservatives that have pushed for all schools to become academies and be part of a MAT by 2030 (, including changing the law to force schools to be taken over after poor Ofsted rating

  7. Hi Anon June 12 22.17 - I don't mind being called a 'leading left wing zealot' but a bit worried about supporting 'diverse vices' though! I do have some of my own, naturally...

    Seriously though there are so few forums in Brent where residents can discuss differences, legitimate concerns etc important to try and keep this channel open.

  8. Is it a coincidence that the Harris CEO is a major Conservative donor? It's the DfE and Harris that have politicised our school not the teachers who are there day in day out, working all hours for our children.

    1. Set-up under a Labour Govt

  9. I don't think its radical to want the best for your children when you have read both sides of the story. If everyone lay down and be quiet and accept what they believed were unjust decisions, society would never have progressed and change would never have happened. This process of forced academisation is also the same. It is massively inconvenient and disruptive for the children and parents but that unfortunately is the purpose of strike action, the staff have obviously tried many other ways before strike action to stop the academy order, the staff must clearly believe that the removal of their labour outweighs the negative impact that would be caused by Harris' arrival. Nobody wants the children to suffer - this is precisely why I personally believe that the teachers are doing what they are doing. They are thinking not just long term for themselves but also for the children. If Harris do end up taking over, parents, community members and children will loose a massive say in how the school is run and that is something that we will never be able to come back from. Does the school need improving? Yes, but I do believe that a lot of work is happening, the school and the council need continue to improve, the school should get a re-inspection and the academy order be revoked...this isn't about labour or conservatives. These are children and their future.

  10. Please - how can any parent with a child at this school support this ineffective strike action given the current climate and election pending. It’s penalising pupils, parents and their families with no justification, shame on those who think this huge number of closure days is in some way good for children. It is not.

  11. Please don’t be so deluded. Any incoming labour government under Keith starmer are more conservative than any others out there. The exact same thing will happen irrespective

  12. Wonder if the same negative trolls here criticising people doing something would be the first ones to moan and complain when things go wrong under the academy but realise there's nothing we could do about it???
