Monday 10 June 2024

Stonebridge Box Club application for new building in King Edward VII Park, Wembley, at Planning Committee tomorrow


The replacement building on the site of the King Edward VII Park pavilion goes to Brent Planning Committee tomorrow. The application has been covered previously on Wembley Matters HERE.

There have been 23 objections and 66 supporters, the latter often from further afield as supporters of the Stonebridge Boxing Club and its activities. There is one neutral comment that supports the use but is critical of the proposed building.

The building occupies a larger footprint that the current building or the initial proposal resulting in the loss of some green space and trees.

Unusually the planning consent relates solely to its use by Stonebridge Boxing Club that also has a building earmarked at the Stonebridge Station development LINK.

Many practical issues to do with the use of the facility are left to negotiations with the Parks Department,

Planners argue that the benefits of the club facility, toilets, cafe etc outweigh the loss and will enhance the open space LINK:


The proposed development would replace a currently vacant, unused building with a modern, purpose-built facility. Whilst the proposed footprint of the building would be larger than the existing by 318.8sqm, it is considered that the proposal would bring animation, activity and natural surveillance to the park, contributing to its amenity value and providing community benefits including supporting the operation of Stonebridge Boxing Club which provides a number of benefits for the local community.


With regard to Policy G4, the proposed footprint of the building would be 576.8sqm, an increase of 318.8sqm over the existing footprint of 285sqm. The surrounding hardstanding would also be increased.


While the café use would serve the open space, indoor sports and fitness are not typically seen to be open space uses and the proposal is therefore seen to be the loss of protected open space. This space in question would not be suitable for use as sports pitches, as there is a significant fall in ground levels within it and it is in close proximity to a number of mature trees. The total area of open space within the park is approximately 10.5 hectares and the amount of open space lost would equate to circa 0.5% of the total park space. It is considered that the harm caused by the relatively minor increase in the loss of open space in this instance would be very limited and this harm must be weighed against the benefits of the proposal.


To summarise, the proposed development would result in the provision of indoor sports and fitness which is not considered to be an open space use and therefore would be seen to result in the loss of protected open space. However, it would also result in benefits, including the provision of the café and toilet and the fitness and community benefits associated with Stonebridge Boxing Club. The benefits associated with the development are considered to outweigh the limited amount of harm associated with the loss of the open space. Given that the harm is being weighed against benefits associated in part with the work that is done by Stonebridge Boxing Club, it is considered necessary to secure the consent as relating solely to use by Stonebridge Boxing Club . It should be noted that the building in itself would be acceptable had it been proposed solely for uses to support the park.


Those interested can attend the meeting at Brent Civic Centre tomorrow at 6pm or follow the live feed HERE

Committee members are briefed beforehand at 12 noon.


  1. How many buildings and sites has Brent Council offered to this one organisation? The Brent Council neglected building on the Abbey Estate in Alperton seems to have ben offered to them as well to the exclusion of the wider Alperton community.

    1. I agree, Brent council give them so many units previously in buildings across brent, usually those planned to be demolished.
      Boxing doesn’t need a state of the art building.
      What is needed and would be a better investment is a community building.

  2. It's a joke to even consider this on our local park - we need a proper community space for our local community not a development opportunity for commercial business from outside of Wembley.

  3. Hopefully Brent will chage full market rent for the building as the park was donated to Brent, but we know they will probably not pay rent or business rates, don't we?

    They must have some very influential friends and supporters to get planning permission in a park for a use that is not allowed.

  4. Vote Labour out at the next election - they have done nothing but ruin our lovely town of Wembley 😞

  5. Boxing is an aggressive sport that is in general male dominated . I fear that this would make women perceive the park to be less safe.
