Friday 30 August 2024

Extra Event Days petition to be presented to Brent Cabinet on September 9th


Summer 2025


The Liberal Democrat petition on additional Wembley Event Days will be presented to the next Brent Council Cabinet on Monday September 9th. This means that the petition will be heard before Wembley Stadium's planning application for extra events goes to Planning Committee.

The aim is to persuade the Council that this matter is so important  that they should hold consultation meetings with local residents and businesses so that they are fully aware of the impact of events now and the potential disruption of extra days. This was done when Tottenham Hotspur applied to use the stadium. A Planning Committee with limited time for residents to speak is not sufficient.

If residents wish make their own representations about the impact extra event days would have on them personally they could write to Muhammed Butt, Leader of Brent Council, at:

 THE PETITION (Now closed):

We the undersigned petition the council to Consult and to Listen to concerns of local residents and businesses about the impact of increasing the number of "Large" Events at Wembley Stadium

Plans for the new Wembley Stadium were approved in 1999 with a limit of 37 Large Events per year. A few years later Brent Council allowed an increase to 46 Large Events per year. The Stadium owners have now applied for planning permission to increase this by another 8 to 54 Large Events per year.


Large Events at the Stadium have a major impact on the lives of local people and business - especially when as many as three events are held on 3 successive days.


We call on Brent Council (jointly with representatives of the FA) to carry out an extensive public consultation with Brent residents and local businesses on the social and economic impacts of Wembley Stadium Large scale events before the Planning Application is considered by the Brent Council's Planning Committee.


We believe that local people and businesses have the right to be properly consulted and informed about these possible changes and for their views to be assessed and documented before any decision is made.

The petition will also be referred to the relevant Director and Lead Members as well as the appropriate Scrutiny Committee.


Anonymous said...

This petition will have no impact on the decisions made by the Planning Committee. When do they ever consider objections? It has already been granted behind closed doors.

Jaine Lunn said...

As Womens Football has become more popular since winning the Euro's, Wembley Stadium is rightfully their home ground as it is with the Men's, and as such they will be hosting more games as they compete in the next Euro's and World Cup qualifiers. The last few games by the women have been sell outs and would therefore justify requirements for the FA to increase the number of major Events at full capacity.

Martin Francis said...

The application makes clear the increase is for concerts rather than sporting events: The current permission of 46 events per year limits the number of dates Wembley Stadium can offer to non-sports acts or events. Increasing the cap to 54 major events per year would provide increased flexibility to attract major international acts to the stadium.

The application will retain a cap on the number of major sporting events to no more than 25 per annum, with a minor variation to the definition of a major event as a stadium bowl event with a capacity in excess of 60,000 people.

Anonymous said...

When Tottenham used the Stadium there were more than 400 objections, did it make a difference? Answer NO. They increased the number of events regardless.

Jaine Lunn said...

I see bookings for 2025 Concerts are already on Stadium website with Dua Lipa x 2 and Oasis x 5, with publicity demand for this tour could increase by at least another 1 taking us to 8. Is that sorted then!

Anonymous said...

Wembley Stadium don't care about women's football - they want more hugely lucrative concerts - Oasis and Coldplay apparently want to do more concerts than the 8 Taylor Swift just did, so 9/10/11 concerts each next year? And Ed Sheeran wants to do 5.

It's rumoured that Oasis will make £14million per concert - how much does Wembley Stadium make per concert???

Paul Lorber said...

The application was made on the grounds of competing for Concerts because they need to offer a number successive dates - in the case of the most recent Taylor |Swift Concerts local people had to cope with 5 consecutive days out of 6. This has nothing to do with women's football. There are plenty of Stadiums across London with Capacity of 60,000+ now and there is no reason why events cannot be spread around.

Paul Lorber said...

Tottenham was a temporary situation and conditions were imposed. The original 37 limit was set in response to consultation about the plans for the new Stadium in 1999 - so someone was listening then.

Philip Grant said...

I hope that Cllr. Butt and his Cabinet colleagues treat this petition with more respect than they did with the one I presented, about the Bobby Moore Bridge tile murals and the new advertising lease, at their.meeting on 28 May.

They should listen carefully to the points made on behalf of the Brent residents who signed the petition, and have a serious discussion about the issues. Whether they will or not remains to be seen!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Chelsea will also need a temporary home for at least 2 years while their new stadium is built 😉

Anonymous said...

These events will not be spread around because Wembley Stadium owners want to make as much money as possible!