Wednesday 25 September 2024

Cllr Collymore resigns as Deputy Mayor of Brent Council and resigns from other council positions

 Brent Audit and Standards Committee was told tonight that Cllr Collymore has resigned from her position as Deputy Mayor and from her other council positions. This follows the finding that she had breached the Members Code of Conduct in an altercation with a parking warden. See LINK

Members noted the outcome of the investigation bt Debra Norman, Corporate Director of Law and Governance and the sanctions imposed.

Cllr Janice Long remarked that the report made what appeared to be something nasty seem bland, and it was hard to judge without seeing the video footage referred to. Debra Norman said the video was private but had been made available to the leaders of the Labour Group. The complaint was serious but she could imagine worse. She did not want therefore to use the full range of sanctions available to her.

She confirmed that as the decsion had been made under  her delegated powers it would not go the Audit Committee.

I understand that at present Cllr Collymore remains a councillor and a member of the Labour Party.


  1. Another Council cover up to protect serious wrong doing (racist attack against a black worker) by a Labour Councillor. If Labour Councillors have any principles they should demand that the Labour Leader releases the video that only he has been selected to see.

    If the video was "private" why was ONLY the Leader of the Labour Group allowed to see it?

    1. Because he is so powerful that no one is allowed to say No to Mo!!!

    2. Agree. Why has only the Labour leader of the council seen the video of a Labour councillor’s misconduct? Shouldn't the council’s formal disciplinary process handle this instead of it being dealt with behind closed doors? If it's a council issue, the proper committees should be involved, not just the party leader. It’s important to have transparency and fairness when it comes to public office, and keeping this within the party feels like an attempt to protect their own interests. Misconduct should be dealt with openly, not hidden away.

  2. How do you know the worker was black?

  3. Several reliable sources have confirmed that this is the case.

  4. Her behaviour was unacceptable and she has done the right thing in resigning as Dep Mayor and a member of Committees. The Labour Group Leadership were however rather slow in taking action. She should have been sacked as soon as the internal report was provided to the Labour group

  5. Is it still racism or xenophobia? How do we describe the horrible things this councillor said given both immigranted here.

  6. Sensible decision

  7. The electorate should be well advised to call for a by-election, as we do not need people with these views and thoughtless comments representing us in any capacity. What does this say about the Labour party if she remains a member?

  8. But is Cllr Collymore also not black? Are readers missing a plot, if there is one?

  9. But is Cllr Collymore not black ?

  10. Or are readers missing a plot if there is one?

  11. Councillor Collymore apparently used language and words "acceptable" when black people abuse or talk to each other. We would need to see the Video or transcript to know exactly what those words were. Clearly the words are bad otherwise why is the Council refusing to show the video or publish the transcript? it was given to the Labour Leader. Should not the Leaders of the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Groups be entitled to see it too? Have they asked for it? Has this been refused?

  12. How many "leaders" does the Labour Group have? Will the 'democratic' (rather than dictatorial) leader please show us the video.

  13. Had she been white and male all this could have been swept under the rug. Racism is very much alive they just keep concealing it with sly ambiguous clauses. 400 years later we’re still at war with racism!! Aluta continua!!!

    1. She must have done something wrong. Why would she otherwise have stepped down? Not sure why you are playing the race card. Yes, racism exists and should not be tolerated, but it should not be used to defend/justify unacceptable behaviour. Just because somebody else might get away with a criminal act, doesn't mean I should too if I am caught. That is nonsense.

  14. Why do I have the feeling that she was coerced into stepping down as the deputy mayor? Many people in power have clung to their positions after committing far worse atrocities and just one misunderstanding has led her to resign. There is more to this than meets the eye. Centuries later and justice is still served based on colour. The powers that be would rather elect a puppet than a strong willed black woman that stands to liberate the oppressed! Shall forever be trapped in the system!!! Aluta continua!!

  15. Makes total sense to keep this away from Daily Mail and GB News salivations.

  16. Several points re comments above. As far as I am able to ascertain Cllr M Butt did not represent/defend Cllr Collymore. The process was undertaken by an council officer under delegated powers and subsequent actions reported to the Committee as a breach of the Members Code of Conduct. The Labour leadership/Labour Group role is to consider any action under Labour Party rules separately, which is presumably why they have sight of the video/transcript - I imagine this would require the permission of the person who made the video.

  17. Cllr Sunita Hirani27 September 2024 at 12:01

    What about her role on Corporate Parenting? Has she been removed off the committee?

  18. Yes. The only Committee now shown for Cllr Collymore on the Council website is Full Council. The removal from committees is not just a loss of position but also a financial loss of committee allowances.

  19. Why has she not been sacked as a Councillor?
