Thursday 17 October 2024

Last night's Brent Planning Committee decisions: Brook Avenue, Harlesden Adult Gaming Centre and Queens Park garage demolitions all approved.

 The developer's agent was challenged at Brent Planning Committee over the Brook Avenue development. He was asked what would happen if some of the owners of the current two storey houses did not agree to sell to the developer. He replied that the developer was in control of the vast majority of the site and just one or two house owners are holding out. He was confident that the developer would achieve full control.

Planning officers elaborated that a last resort would be Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO by Brent Council but that would depend on establishig that a proper process was followed by the developer.

Cllr Daniel Kennelly spoke strongly in favour of the application, particularly the shared living proposal but had reservations about a cycle path to nowhere and likely problems with park despite it being a no cars development.

The Planning Committee approved the application.


Cllr Kelcher, Chair of Planning Committee, recluded himself from consideration of the Park Parade, Harlesden, Adult Gaming Centre application. He said his position against it was well-known and had existed before he became Chair. 

Cllr Jumbo Chan (Harlesden and Kensal Green) spoke against the application. It would be an 'engine of great harm. Over concentration of gambling facilities preying on vulnerable people of Harlesden with homelessness centre nearby.'

The possibility of a developer appeal to the Planning Inspectorate if the application was refused loomed large over the discussion. An appeal could be costly for the council it was argued.

Cllr Saqib, Vice Chair, summed up at the end with the comment, 'after all we believe in the free market'.

The Planning Committee approved the application.

The application for the replacement of garages at the rear of 88-98 Wrentham Avenue in Queens Park by two houses was approved despite a strong speech against by a local resident who challenged claims about the use of the garages. They were used for a variety of purposes including as an art studio.




  1. Growth zone extension massive scale car -free housing, why not have a cycle wider network masterplan for site-by-site land wars, it reduces build land but Brent can and should make public good demands of developers.

    Developer only needs two houses Brook Avenue, I wonder if that is the same opaque process happening to the Radburn 60 family houses zone in South Kilburn or to its two schools one being a foundation?

    A free market, with English zonal planning policy? Conservation areas protected, right to community and welfare state infrastructure heavily invested in- a free market? Contrast that with 45 ha public owned no right to community social housing estates brown land that developers imperial colonise in harsh exclusionary growth style?

    The free market is Brent red line zoned. Forwards and backwards, protected and de-regulated Brents zoned.

  2. Strong protected from free market Brent zones, where YIMBY's and anti-nanny state firebrands live.

  3. It's the Labour Party that kick-started the UK gambling addiction so no wonder so many gambling and gaming centres have been allowed to open by Labour run Brent Council...

    "The gambling boom was kicked off when Tony Blair’s Labour government passed the Gambling Act 2005, dramatically liberalising the laws governing betting. The late Tessa Jowell, who pioneered the legislation, later described this as one of her biggest regrets."
