Thursday, 30 January 2025

Watford Road water mains works due to the volume of developments around Wembley Stadium

 Affinity Water Ltd, in an email seen by Wembley Matters, has confirmed what to many seemed obvious:

This work (Watford Road) is to enable us to carry out 1.7km of mains reinforcement for the area. Breaking that down, we need to carry out 950m along Watford Road. This reinforcement job is vital due to the volume of developments in the area close to Wembley Stadium, our Modelling Team estimate circa 8,000 customers across 6 DMA’s  (District Metering Areas) may experience supply issues if this work is not carried out as soon as possible.



  1. YES the reasons for all the disruption to local peoples lives and to business has always been obvious to all of us. The Labour obsession with massive 29 storey towers (another one applied for near Ealing Road Wembley as part of a 885 flats development with hardly any parking provision) is the cause of most of the problems - and the problems will only get worse.

    The new flats in Alperton are being sold for £750,000 so clearly not intended for local residents in need. The fact that there is an Agency on site advertising exclusively to foreign buyers gives the game away.

    Any surprise that under Labour obsession with unaffordable flats local people struggle with doctor or dentist appointments or finding a space for their child in a local school.

    ENOUGH is ENOUGH! The time has come to halt all the Tower Block Monsters until there is a proper plan that tackles all the problems caused and which addresses the needs of local people and not just the Developers.

  2. Oh, great another reason to put up our cost of living, we residents paying for what has been caused by developers making money hand over fist, and without contributions to the local infrastructure. This stinks, as does the overflowing sewage into the Wealdstone Brook etc

  3. While I respect Paul Lorber's right to express his views, I feel compelled to address the suitability of his attempts to politicize the incident concerning the burst water pipe in Wembley.

    It is acknowledged that the presence of multiple tower blocks may play a role, as indicated by Affinity Water Ltd's assessment, which draws on their expertise in managing such situations. However, it is essential to recognize that similar tower blocks are present throughout the capital in areas led by various political parties, including Conservative, Green, and Liberal Democrat, without encountering similar issues with burst water pipes.

    Moreover, even when incidents like burst water pipes occur, leading to challenges for local residents and the wider community, I do not believe these issues can be solely attributed to the policies of any specific political party, as suggested by Mr. Lorber.

    Accidents are an unfortunate reality that can happen at any time, and I have no reason to think that Mr. Lorber is unaware of this fact. Therefore, I would encourage him to reconsider his position, as doing so in light of this context would be both reasonable and wise.

    1. The burst water mains are not accidents, Thames and Affinity have told the Council that there are capacity issues, and must have increased the water pressure already. The reinforcement of the water main along Watford Road and other locations is without doubt caused by Affinity having to raise the water pressure even more than they already have due to the number of properties built and being built. Other areas of London may also have the same problem, or they may have better infrastructure. Also, Brent have built more than any other borough, well above HMG targets.

    2. In response to Trevor the Affinity works in Watford Road have nothing to do with burst pipes. This is a capacity issue. Affinity Water have stated that they need to carry out this work to ensure that Northwick Park residents do not suffer from water pressure issues because of the extra demand created by all the developments in Wembley Park.

      The problem with all the very many Tower Blocks approved by the Labour Council in Brent - most recent as high as 31 storeys high - is that there is no plan and no real or timely investment in the services required. As a result large parts of Brent or in constant gridlock either because of too much traffic, building work or disruption because of pipes bursting through overload.

      The height of the Tower Blocks is a political issues as is the fact that many are very badly built and that an ever smaller proportion of what is built is truly affordable to Brent residents. While Brent Labour Councillors approve these Towers they soon wash their hands of any problems while the poor residents suffer. The unfortunate residents of the Zenith Tower, a 28 storey block opposite the Alperton Bus Garage site, have an incomplete block because the builder went bust and have just been told that their massive block has to be 'wrapped up' because the developer does not as yet have an answer to what to do with defective cladding. Brent has a history of badly build housing and some of us remember Chakhill and Stonebridge Bison Wallframe estates - how much did they cost to build and maintain over the years - and how long did they last before they had to be demolished?

      My job as a Leader of an opposition party is to challenge the Labour Administration when I see them pursuing policies damaging to Brent and to stand up the unlucky people who end up living in some of these blocks and long established local residents who have to endure all the problems the building of these blocks causes.

      Finally the problems in Alperton can certainly be attributed to the actions of the Labour Party. In 2008 the Council consulted local people on the Alperton Master Plan. There were numerous sites - such as the recently vacated B&Q site opposite Sainsbury's which were identified as suitable housing, Local people contributed to the debate and it was agreed that taller buildings were possible in some locations to a maximum height of 12 storeys. The BQ site has around 600 flats but none of the blocks is as high as 12 storeys.

      As soon as Labour regained control of Brent Council in 201 the promise made to local residents was ditched and the height restriction was ditched. Developers are now chasing each other to achieve ever greater heights to the detriment of the local area and local residents. Alperton is not a rich area and there are very few local people who can afford a flat costing £750,000.

      The job of a local Council is to build homes for local people and not to allow a free for all which benefits mainly the develepors and their tax haven friends.

  4. Have I misread or does these repairs not coincide with the K-Pop festival if it is given the green light, will be great fun in this area at this time.

    1. I think you are correct, K Pop is the beginning of June. I wonder if the organisers can get Affinity to stop their works for the two weeks of setup, performance and tear down? They can definitely have a plan LOL, for sure, like the one to get 15,000 out of the park in less than an hour through two of the smallest entrances on the network.

  5. Why couldn't they have done these works when all the road alterations were being carried out outside Northwick Park hospital last year???

    Is there is no joined up thinking anymore???

  6. The developers building all these flats should be footing the bill for all these water mains repairs and replacements not us water bill payers!!!

  7. Re Anon 30 Jan 18:36 That's not how these Carpetbagger developers work.

  8. So what actual planning did Cllr Shama Tatler (an ex secondary school history teacher) do when she was our Brent Council Lead for Regeneration, Planning and Development??? She pushed all these huge developments through planning without understanding the full impact on our local services including water and sewerage.

    A thorough re-think is needed before any further huge developments are granted planning permission on our local area.

  9. Labour did not (and do not) have a "Plan". They only have an obsession for ever taller Tower Blocks irrespective of the damage they cause to local communities and the Brent area.

    All these Massive Block are being built without any new roads to accommodate all the extra cars and delivery lorries. The so called 'car free ' developments are fiction. They are loved by Developers as they can squeeze as many units into a site as possible.

    There was once a Plan and a clear directive. In the case of Alperton for example local people were consulted about future development on large empty sites like the former B&Q site opposite Sainsbury's and a decision made to set a height limit of 12 storeys.

    The B&Q site was developed with medium size blocks most much lower than 12 Storeys.

    The current planning application for the Atlip Road site off Ealing Road proposes 885 units with the 3 tallest Towers of 29, 23 and 20 storeys.

    Part of the site already has flats built under the previous regime. While one block next to the canal is 12 storeys high the others are very much lower. There is also car parking for residents and visitors outside. The existing residents are rightly outraged at the damage this will cause to their environment and their lives.

    Under Labour plans the existing homes - many Housing Association affordable units - will be dwarfed by the Massive Towers proposed and all the public car parking currently on site for the Clay Oven will be built on. There is no way that the highly congested Ealing Road area can possibly cope with more massive developments like this - it is already gridlocked most of the time.

    There is a desperate need for a Plan - and the Labour Administration should STOP any more massive Tower Blocks until a Plan which addresses issues of traffic congestion, water supply, shortages of Doctors, Dentists and school places is developed.

    1. I want to express my gratitude to Mr. Paul Lorber for his efforts on January 30, 2025, in response to my thoughts on the Tower Blocks, the capacity concerns, and the negative impact it has had on the water pipes near several tower blocks in Wembley.

  10. With all these huge tower block developments they get Community Infrastructure Levy money from the developers towards improving local services - where exactly has all that money been spent???

  11. Over the past 10 or 12 years, I've looked at quite a few planning applications made to Brent, and some years ago I successfully campaigned to have comments by "statutory consultees" such as Affinity Water disclosed on the Council's planning website, as well as comments by members of the public.

    Time and again, Affinity Water have commented that if planning consent for a large scheme is granted, the supply system won't have enough capacity. It is a similar story in comments from Thames Water - the drains will not have enough capacity.

    Despite those comments, Brent's Planning Officers have recommended large scale applications, such as numerous Quintain and other (including the five towers on the remaining half of the Wembley Park Station car park) tall blocks of flats developments, for approval, and the majority of councillors on Planning Committee have rubber-stamped the plans.

    That has caused the infrastructure deficit which the Watford Road works, and doubtless many more such works in future, are having to try and fix.

  12. All future developments should now be halted until the water mains and sewers are able to cope and money is found to do the work to improve capacity - why should existing residents pay more on their water bills because of Brent Councils poor planning???
