Sunday, 16 February 2025

Are Brent Council representing the interests of developers, rather than those of Brent residents?


The open space and surroundings

 Centre the up to 5 story block on the green space





There appears to be a widespread feeling that Brent Council is no longer representing the interests of residents, but instead represent the interests of developers.

This has been evident for some time but particularly in the case of the recent Pellat Road application and the Barham Park covenant removal.

In the video above the resident speaker represents 300 family homes and Cllr Kennelly his constituents.

The full discussion can be heard in the video that can be found on the Brent Council website. LINK

Normal practice is that the developer and planning officers negotiate changes beforehand and so what is presented to the Planning Committee looks like a 'done deal', especially when residents' concerns receive shortshrift.

At this Planning Committee the developer's agent was particularly bouyant claiming that their plans hd received 'the ringing endorsement of the [Brent} case officer' and  the place making manager described the application as 'exemplary'.

It was only under questioning that they admitted that in the consultation out of 10 responses 9 opposed the application and one was neutral.

Neverless the Planning Committee  approved the application with just Cllr Johnson against. Another feature of Committee proceedings is that those against have to give their reasons,  but those voting for the application do not have to give reasons for support. This is particularly galling when committee members who through their questioning indicate major concerns but still vote for the application.

Cllr Johnson cited concerns about parking, the overbearing nature of the proposed 5 storey building, and it not being in keeping with the local area.





  1. Kudos to the resident for standing up for her area. Not sure why she is being asked if it is in CPZ though, that should be for officers to tell the councillors. Sad to see the loss of a green space in Brent during the “climate emergency” which Brent has declared. Won’t the developers have to buy the land of Brent?

  2. I don't think anyone who has followed Brent Council planning committee for the last 4 or 5 years will be in the slightest bit surprised by this.

    It goes beyond planning. The entire council is run by its officers, it's plainly obvious. From the Leader down, the Councillors are well meaning but by and large utterly inept.

    1. Don't be fooled, it is being driven by the Leader and a few other YIMBY councillors. As to why they think its a good idea is beyond us mere mortals

  3. Labour run Brent Council do NOT care about us council tax paying residents - they need to be voted out at the next local elections - vote for anyone else who's not Labour please.

    1. Agree, Cllr 's Butt and Sheth in Tokyngton have no regard for their constituents.

  4. Absolutely disgusting,what is Brent trying to do? build for the whole World to come and live in Brent?...worst Council for EVERYTHING.

  5. They are not even replacing what was there and they are accepting applications for areas without enforcing what is expected for locals, the added population means more waste, have you seen the state of Brent its a tip! The trees, verges and parks are a shamble they are not maintained! This woman highlighted stuff that they did not like and try to make her look stupid! In reality they are not following their own policies!

  6. Yes, he's so close to developers, he invites the to his family weddings

  7. You know the solution already - vote them out at the next local elections - vote for anyone except Labour!!!

  8. Wembley Matters - as the only credible conscience medium and being published - might spearhead a fund raising for the instructions to place an appropriate challenge to Brent decision making, if necessary via an inquiry, where residents can be represented by fearless bodies like The Good Law Project , a good fearless law firm such as Leigh Day. Ultimately might a Parliamentary Select Committee not receive complaints at which hearing Brent can be summonsed? Alternatively complaints in enough numbers to the Local Government auditors such as the NAO ? The pseudo-socialist plundering yrban-banditry must be stopped as socialism delivers the green agenda, enhanced quality of life for every resident, genuine levelling across the board. Any takers in such an uprising call ?

  9. The hypocrisy of Cllr Johnson.
    He said he had concerns about parking, the overbearing nature of the proposed 5 storey building, and it not being in keeping with the local area. This is a description of some of the issues raised on the Preston Library Development which Cllr Johnson supported?
    The library scheme was found to be contrary to the local plan by the High Court but Brent went ahead anyway. Preston Library is two streets away from this site so what does ‘in keeping’ with the area mean to Johnson - has he ever been here?

  10. Good result for Lib Dems in Alperton!!!
