Thursday, 13 February 2025

BREAKING: K-Pop Festival at Northwick Park postponed until 2026

 According to a message from Magic Sound re-posted on a local Whats App group  Magic Sound have decided to postpone the  MIK K-Pop Festival in Northwick Park until 2026.

They thanked residents for their 'time and insight' and said that residents' knowledge of the park and the local area had been invaluable to them.  

Many practial concerns had been raised by residents despite the police and Brent Public Safety Officer withdrawing objections to the licensing application.

On the Next Door website  Preston ward Councillor Daniel Kennelly said:

Regardless of the suspension, I like others have serious concerns about this potential event. Therefore I will be engaging with organisers and ensuring that they are working with residents to minimise any disruption caused should these events go ahead in 2026. I have already contacted them following the publication of the licensing hearing report and will be in contact with residents and groups as this conversation progresses.



  1. What was the cost of this fiasco in terms of Council Officer time and other costs plus worry to so many people. All of this could have been avoided if the Council had a Leader and Cabinet member had the common sense to say NO to a bad idea which would have deprived local people of access to their Open Space and Sports Fields at the most popular time of the year.

    Lettings in our Parks and Open Spaces should only be allowed if they do NOT impact on their ongoing use for general public or to have the potential to create excessive disturbance to nearby residents.

    Hopefully the proximity of Summer 2026 to the local elections in May 2026 is a suitable warning to the Labour Leadership to ensure that the idea is NOT revived next year.

  2. The labour council don't care if they lose Northwick Park Ward, which will now be very likely after this fiasco, as long as the Leader stays in power. It may also affect the neighbouring wards in 2026.

  3. The labour councillors in the Northwich have been conspicuous in their silence about the K Pop festival and the issues that would be created by it for local residents

  4. Does Norhwick Park actually have any Councillors? One seems to have a habit of abusing traffic wardens and the other seems more interested in becoming a Mayor than in actually service local people on issues that matter to them.

  5. It is interesting how Cllr Bajwa's objection went from three unintelligible sentences to several sheets of A4 in his, unintelligible speech, the additions that could be discerned at the licensing meeting replicated many objections submitted by the local residents association, but he never attends their meetings or discusses local issues. Obviously copying Rachel Reeve's paganism style. Oh how Northwick Park need a new Councillor and not a wanabee, or vacationalist.

  6. I'm not voting Labour again.

  7. And there's another item of importance in Northwick Park that is being hidden by the usless councillors. Watch your letter boxes.
