Monday, 24 February 2025

Brent Community Skips March to Early May - Full List giving dates, times and locations


See Brent Council website for what you can put in them LINK


Philip Grant said...

ALERT! Change of location for Barnhill Ward skip

The Council have changed the location of the Barnhill Ward skip for Saturday 1 March, 10an to 12 noon.

The original location shown above was not actually in Barnhill Ward (it used to be in Fryent Ward, but was added to Queensbury Ward in the 2022 ward boundary changes).

The new location is:
Barnhill Road, near Wembley Church of Christ, HA9 9BZ

I have not checked for any other changes, so best that you check yourselves if you plan to use this community skips opportunity.

Anonymous said...

It is surprising that Brent don't charge for this service

Anonymous said...

Why would they charge when Cllr Butt and Cllr Sheth get all the free publicity from the skip day photo shoots???

Anonymous said...

This service provision is obviously a ploy to put the Labour administration in a good light at the next election. So, it's blatant electioneering using council tax money, the same goes for the Brent magazine and Brent's social media, including those excruciating videos they produce.

Anonymous said...

It's more cost effective way of collecting the rubbish which more and more people dump on the street then council truck collecting them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. A much needed service.