Monday, 17 February 2025

UPDATED WITH VIDEO LETTER: Tokyngton SNT & Brent Council - 'Stop passing the buck and do something about this danger'



Dear Editor,

 Delivery drivers on bikes are zooming down the narrow disabled access from Wembley Hill Road (it's between the White Horse Bridge and the Fatburger Restaurant)  through Juniper Close and across the footpath at busy Oakington Manor Drive.


 There are also  e-bikes and scooters:  no stopping, no slowing,  no regard for  safety.  It is terrible after c around 6pm with 20 or so in  30 minutes.  Just waiting for a fatality.   


We have tried Tokyngton Safer Neighbourhood Team: No help.  Brent Council passes the buck to the police.   


This is a dangerous public safety issue.  Who can help?   


We do not want a cycle hub  here to attract more bikers.   It's a known area of anti-social behaviour.


A local resident

Note from Editor: To help readers visualise the issue this is a video of the route from Wembley Hill Road, next to Wembley Stadium Station, via an alleyway and Juniper Close to Oakington Manor Drive: 


  1. Received via email: I've been nearly hit atleast twice by delivery bikes and e-scooters on pedestrian areas as I pushed my son's pushchair between Juniper Close, OMD and the Triange. The problem has definitely got worse since the Triange closure as the drivers try to circumvent the restrictions and use their bikes on pedestrian paths.

  2. What are the Tokyngton ward councillors, Mo Butt and Krupa Sheth, doing about it?

    1. What do they ever do on behalf of and acknowledging their residents ???

    2. Nothing at all they don't care

    3. Cllr Sheth will cancel residents and constituents on the Tokyngton WhatsApp who wish serious debate and Action on the issue. Is this democratic?? Or Overly defensive and Tyranical ?

    4. Cllr Butt does not engage with the Tokyngton WhatsApp a group for his residents views
      Leaves it to Krupa Sheth to appease the residents, with her 'We can't do anything response.

    5. Krupa Sheth will threaten cancellation to anyone on the Tokyngton WhatsApp who challenges or recognises Gross inaction.Sadly especially where safety is concerned.

    6. Cllr. Sheth learnt her MO from her VBF & hero Cllr. Butt.

  3. Suggest you contact your MP Barry Gardiner

  4. Call developers to build on The Triangle ?

  5. Who owns Juniper Close? We haven't been able to find out. But there are serious aspects of safety and signage where the Close meets the busy footpath of O.M.Dve.

  6. Who owns Juniper Close? We haven't been able to find out. They are negligent as regards the safety of pedestrians on O.M.Dve. There must be ' Stop and Give Way signage.

    1. Peabody Housing Trust, used to be Mosiac HA

  7. I Barry Gardiner has been contacted no response yet

  8. I have been nearly knocked over at Juniper Close by a delivery driver. I was really shaken. I have observed delivery drivers and riders and cyclists come speeding out of there. There is no speed prevention. It's only a matter of time before someone is injured or killed there. SNT and Brent Council aren't bothered.

  9. Yes, they are very dangerous if you say something to them, they will beat you up, they have become owners of the sidewalks and the places for pedestrians.

    1. Disgusting thinking they are entitled to drive and ride on footpath. Thinking that is their land and entitled to do as they want. Threatening pedestrians with violence. Who ever you are tell Cllrs Butt and Sheth and report to police. Something has to be done! Cllrs Butt and Sheth I hope if you see this you take action!

  10. Irrespective of whether it's legal or not, Delivery scooters and electric bikes will continue to ride along the pavement injuring and scaring pedestrians because there is NO ENFORCEMENT. Not by the Police or Brent Council. So we all know what needs to happen.

    1. Cllr Krupa Sheth is going to organise an Action Day re this situation

    2. When? Action is needed now. What is an action day ? Will the council act in the next week? Is this just P.R. hype on behalf of Cllr Sheth. Who is going to take action ?

    3. Action is needed now. This week. Who is going to take the action. Sounds like the usual O.R. hype from Krupa Sheth.

    4. Even if the only Action is taking a photo of her for the Brent Magazine?

  11. Contact Kikburn Times?

  12. Contact local press ...

    Kilburn Times

    Harrow Times

    Harrow On Line

    My London News

  13. The Police and Brent could use CCTV to enforce bikers, they. Old be done for careless or even dangerous driving. The e-bikes and cycles are a different matter, there are no registration plates so how would you enforce unless the police are physically there to stop them.

    This is why we need registration plates on both e-bikes and cycles. A lot of cyclists and e-bikers have no respect for the law or anyone else for that matter.

    1. Most of the E vehicles are illegal and should be confiscated by the police. Why have laws if you don't enforce them.

  14. It needs SNT to get out of their cars and stand on the High Road/Juniper Close and stop all bikes whether electric/scooters etc and ticket them for riding on the pavement. Not just one day but consistently over a few weeks till these morons get the message and feel it in their pockets. They could also ask/check to see if they have CBT in the case of scooters, check the legality of their Accounts with Uber Eats, Deliveroo etc, and also if they have the correct Insurance. Only when this is done will we stop the problems these drivers cause and we will all feel much safer walking the pavements.

  15. In surrounding boroughs that border Brent i.e RBKC, Westminster and Camden you do not see this as there is rigorous enforcement of the by laws.

  16. Seemingly, the councillors aren't interested as it's not high on their agenda. Surely the issue constitutes enforcement, as the moped riders are operating in direct contravention to The Road Traffic Act. The land itself is classed as privately owned and was outside of the designated area for regeneration, until the developers flexed their muscle. Here is a suggestion, each time you email Cllrs Butt and Sheth, cc the Chief Executive of Brent Council and bcc the local press. Butt et al have an automated reply to emails but bcc'ing the local press, will offer evidence based analysis on cllts tackling or ignoring local issues.

  17. This alley/footpath is Public Footpath, it is used as the step free access to Platform 2 of Wembley Stadium Station, there has always been one, it just moved slightly when they built the new Flats at the Station.

    1. If this is a footpath why does it not have anti bike barriers???

  18. Krupa Sheth will threaten to cancel anyone on the Tokyngton WhatsApp who challenges her Apathy and impotence. She 'cannot do anything' to safeguard her ward constituents . The bikers across O.M.Dve. No action.
    Defensiveness and cancellation
    are her attributes.We elected them as a voice for us. So deluded. Mo Butt leaves ward issue s Krupa. to her. He has bigger fish to fry. Help !!!

    1. I've been cancelled,and censored on the Tokyngton Residents WhatsApp site. By the 'community admin ' dept. Krupa and Butt. My comments were inoffensive. About the safety of pedestrians and the threats of cancellation to fellow
      writers. I am willing to publish. Am I living in a Stalinistic or Putininstic ward ?

    2. Sounds like it

    3. That's an interesting description of Butt and Sheth

  19. Sat 22nd between 7.30 and 8 ish at least 20 bikes blazed across the footpath, no stopping for pedestrians. Have got some photos but can't get licences when fast and in the dark. So SCARRY

  20. If this is a footpath why does it not have anti bike barriers???

    1. Too much trouble for the ward councillors probably, as they love going to events and photo ops rather than representing their residents. Dont you just love Krupa's video performances?

  21. Have you contacted your MP Barry Gardiner?

  22. Time for the autocratic and dictatorial Butt and Sheth to go, let someone who cares look after our ward.

  23. Nothing Done to safeguard pedestrians
