Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Video: Leslie Barson speaks on 'South Kilburn: Resistance and Community'



Leslie Barson, of Granville Community Kitchen in South Kilburn, a long-time community activist, spoke at the 'Unravelling Regeneration - Stories of a Community' Metroland Exhibition last month.

This is a first hand account of the impact of regeneration on the lives of local people and on the community resources that have supported them over the years.


  1. Thank you Leslie (and Martin). The effects of `regeneration' need as much publicity as possible. If only the Council leadership would take the slightest notice of the detrimental effect of their policies.

  2. Brownfield land for population growth is key national government policy, yet what brownfield land actually is is up to each Local powers whim (and will be kept that way without a legal definition of what brownfield land is from lawmakers). Brownfield land really can be the 2ha 60 year old park shared by Britain's most overcrowded neighbourhood. What is the public health and wellbeing value of such brownfield Local unsound decision making?
