Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Wembley Events Ticket Ballot introduced for residents within the Event Day Parking Zone


From Brent Council


Wembley Stadium Residents' Ticket Ballot 


Brent Council and Wembley Stadium recognise that some residents that live close to Wembley Stadium may be directly impacted by event days.

That's why we are offering local residents the chance to apply for free tickets to upcoming Wembley Stadium events through our residents' ticket ballot.  We also want to ensure that people living in the area have a fair chance to attend these events.


There is a separate ballot for each Stadium event day, and if eligible you can enter as many different ballots as you want. However, you can submit only one entry per event day ballot. If you are successful in a ballot, you will win two tickets to that event.


To enter a ballot, you must be over 18 and live at a property within the Wembley Event Day parking zone.


Each Ballot will typically open two months before the date of the event and close two weeks before the date of the event.* 


Enter the Wembley Stadium Residents' Ballot

* This is subject to change, depending on the nature of the event and ticket availability.







  1. Why can't we Wembley residents just have a priority booking period for Wembley Stadium events?
    At least we could then book well in advance for what we want to see rather than entering this complicated ballot system where you won't know until the last minute whether you have been lucky enough to 'win' 2 tickets for an event - members of large local families want to attend events together so 2 tickets are not enough.

    Spurs Football Club offer priority booking for residents for events at their stadium:
    "We are pleased to introduce our new 24hr priority ticket purchase window, providing local residents with the opportunity to guarantee their seat to see world-class acts perform on their doorstep.
    Residents with postcodes in N15, N17, and N18 can sign up below to receive exclusive pre-sale links to concerts at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium as they are announced."

    Coldplay also gave priority booking to residents in Hull - why didn't we get this in Wembley?:
    "Coldplay has been praised for giving fans in Hull 50 per cent of the tickets for their first ever show in the city.
    Hull Labour said it was a “huge public coup” and welcomed prioritising local postcodes to try to curb ticket touting. Tickets for fans with HU, YO, DN or LN postcodes"

    Years ago we Wembley residents really benefitted from being the first to buy tickets for events because you could walk up to the box office and actually buy your tickets - now we have to battle in online queues with people all around the world.

  2. Yes Coldplay want to reduce their carbon emissions yet didn't offer priority booking to us Wembley Residents who can walk to their events!

    Instead people will be travelling from all over the UK and the world cauding issues for us residents.

  3. Anon @ 19:54 well it is becoming more and more apparent that Brent love betting and gambling as those shops appear to be approved at planning all the time so they are now bringing that same love and spirit to other things across the council. You never know in the future you might have to be “lucky” or have to “win” to get your street cleaned because of limited resources .

  4. Brent Council should have negotiated a better deal for residents particularly as we now have so many more major events at Wembley Stadium.

  5. Just tried entering - selected the event we want to attend but there was no way of progressing to the next screen 😕
