Thursday, 27 February 2025

Wembley Manor School taking shape rapidly in London Road. Due for completion in September with places for 150 SEND pupils

 The new Wembley Manor School for 150 children with special needs and disabilities is taking shape at the end of London Road near the path and bridge to Lyon Park is rapidly taking shape. It is part of a project to offer 400 places across the borough.

The school consists of modules built off-site and transported as wide loads to Wembley - no mean feat given current road works etc on the High Road.

I am grateful for our Wembley Central stringer for the video and photographs:


 Module being hoisted into position


 Wide load lorry


 The finished school will have 3 storeys


From the Elsley School footpath


  1. Looks like a very cheap construction method - how long before there are problems with this building? Have they not learnt from the raac concrete problems we currently face?

  2. Why build another school when we have the equivalent of seven primary schools more than Brent need, and a falling school roll. Just consolidate the rolls and clear one school for SEND. Brent loves wasting money, makes one wonder who benefits from all this unnecessary building in the borough. How does 30,000 student flats help the borough when most of them go to Uni in London and spend most of their leisure time there too?

  3. And how many trees were cut down for this new school?
