Thursday, 6 March 2025

Brent Officers recommend approve of Atlip Centre, Alperton, development of 885 homes in units up to 29 storeys high

 Brent planning officers have recommended  LINK that the Planning Committee approve the Atlip Centre/2 Atlip Road  development at its meeting on Wednesday 12th March.

The application is for 464 resident units on the site near Alperton Station and 421 co-living places.

They will be housed in 2, 8, 10, 20,  23 and 29 storey structures with a single storey workspace and some commercial units.

 145 people have signed a petition opposing the development but only 27 have lodged an objection on the Brent Council planning portal. There are also 3 neutral comments (including an Alperton councillor - not identified by name). No comments in favour have been lodged.

It was quite a task for anyone interested to read all 355 documents on the Council website. 

Approval will be subject to referral to the Mayor of London.


The petition:


A petition has been lodged at Brent Council to stop the approval of another mega-development at Atlip Road in central Alperton. The campaigners have put forward the following reasons against the proposal.

1. Loss of Light – The development’s height (up to 30 storeys) will cause severe overshadowing, reducing natural light to nearby homes, including Bigler Court and Dawson Court, contrary to BRE guidelines. Reduced daylight can lead to health impacts such as vitamin D deficiency, especially for brown and black residents at higher risk.

2. Overcrowding – The proposal includes 885 residential units, adding excessive strain on already stretched local services, including GP surgeries like Stanley Corner Medical Centre, schools, and public transport.

3. Parking and Traffic – The limited parking spaces will lead to increased congestion on surrounding roads, creating parking difficulties and worsening air pollution.

4. Noise Pollution – Construction noise will cause major disruption, particularly for those working from home or resting at home. Long-term noise from communal spaces will also impact residents’ quality of life and stress pets.

5. Loss of Facilities – The proposed demolition of the existing gym will force residents to travel 30–45 minutes on foot to the nearest affordable alternative, making fitness routines less accessible and harming physical well-being.

6. Flood Risks – Existing flood risks on Atlip Road, with depths up to 600mm, will be worsened by the development. New drainage systems offer no guaranteed protection against surface water flooding.

7. Air Quality – Construction dust and emissions pose health risks, especially for children, the elderly, and those with respiratory conditions, while long-term increases in traffic will reduce air quality further.

8. Privacy and Child Safety – Flats will overlook nearby homes, including Bigler Court, and Alperton Community School’s playground, raising safeguarding concerns for children.

The petition can be signed HERE.


Anonymous said...

If only we still had Anton as our local Cllr. The new Cllr, Charlie Clinton, has not picked up his phone all week. Anton used to visit our home . We miss him dearly.

Anonymous said...

Do you not think that the new Cllr might be very busy in his new role?

Has the Labour Councillor in Alperton answered his phone???

Anonymous said...

Can't access the files on the Brent Council website

Anonymous said...

Brent Planners do not live in Brent and they do not have to live with the bonkers Tower Blocks they recommend for approval. The local residents will endure 3 years of building and traffic chaos and nightmare if this is approved. If the Labour Leader or the invisible Brent Chief Executive lived in one of the existing flats in Atlip Road these plans would be refused.

Martin Francis said...

Commenter at 15.50 Try this link:

Anonymous said...

Your new Alperton Councillor might be a bit busy undergoing training for his new role, see below, remember he was only elected on 18th February...

"Councils run ‘induction’ training for all new councillors. This will help you to become familiar with the council, its departments, and the expectations and roles of councillors. There is mandatory training for example on finance, safeguarding, equality and diversity, and the code of conduct. Councillors are also set up with IT equipment and support.  Councils offer continual development opportunities throughout the time as a councillor to help with knowledge of council services and to develop personal skills and confidence.   

The Local Government Association (LGA) is the national organisation for councils and provides a wide range of support from how to chair meetings and handle casework from residents; to understanding different council services such as health, planning or reducing carbon emissions; as well as personal development such as influencing and facilitation skills or supporting residents with complex needs.":'induction'%20training%20for,expectations%20and%20roles%20of%20councillors.

Anonymous said...

Most cllrs have roles beyond this one so a week isn’t exactly too long a wait for a response. Many are understandably likely wary of making house calls too.

Paul Lorber said...

This Planning Application shows total disregard for existing residents living in the nearby blocks next door. Most of the existing buildings are relatively low rise at 5 floors with just one of 12. The 29 storey Tower Block will dwarf these.

The Atlip Road site also provides more than 50 much needed car parking spaces for the very busy Ealing Road shopping area. As the planning application does away with almost all of these where is the replacement car park that the Ealing Road area clearly needs?

This is another example of the shoddy way that the people of Alperton and Wembley are treated. Massive Tower Blocks are forced on the area without any regard for the damage this will have on their environment and their lives.

It is about time that the Labour run Council listened to local people and only supported developments which are sensible and which do not create unacceptable problems for existing local residents.

Liberal Democrats support local residents in their opposition to the overdevelopment proposed at this site.

Anonymous said...

Like with most new jobs it takes at least 3 months to start to become effective.

Paul Lorber said...

Charlie Clinton has been talking to the residents of Atlip Road and the Petition organiser since his victory in Alperton. He will be supporting residents and speaking up for them at the Planning Meeting. He has been dealing with Alperton casework from day 1 after his election but as others mentioned it takes the Council a while to set him up with a phone and activate his Council email and also set up numerous meetings to brief him on data protection, Council procedures etc. Charlie's Councillor contact details are here:

Needless to say he has had large numbers of calls, emails and messages since his election and if by chance you have not heard from him please try again via the above contact details. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Being effective can also depend on who you are working for - can't imagine Labour run Brent Council doing anything quickly to help a Lib Dem Councillor 😡

Paul Scott said...

Paul Scott said...

Paul Scott said...

Paul Scott said...

Yes I agree.