Sunday 1 March 2015

Protest against Brent budget cuts Monday 6.30pm Brent Civic Centre

Brent Fightback will be demonstrating outside the Civic Centre on Monday at 6.30pm as councillors prepare to vote on a budget that will see the closure of the Stonebridge Adventure Playground, the beginning of the likely end of Energy Solutions, the closure of the Welsh Harp Environmental Education Centre (unless Careys come up with the goods) and the shifting of the cost of school crossing patrols from the Council to individual schools (if the schools agree to spend their money on them).

Last weekend Brent Fightback presented an invoice to the Liberal Democrat and Conservative offices in Brent for the money taken from Brent Council since the Coalition took office.


  1. I bet the forces that be protesting on private land will try and move this protest.

    We shall not be moved!!!

  2. As an illustration of why services for adults with learning difficulties in LB Brent are needed more, not less, many adults with learning difficulties currently on JobSeekers Allowance will be pushed onto Universal Credit when that hits Brent. Too few adults with learning difficulties have access to the computer required to apply on line for the benefit that should really be called Universal Sanction as a sanction on, say, Housing Benefit or Working Tax Credits portion of UC for 'not trying hard enough to fine waged work' can lead to impounding of all one's 'Universal Credit'.

    And this linked article from Kate Belgrave shows how adults with learning difficulties get treated at jobcentres already.

    See also my placard ideas for tonight's demo.
