Saturday 22 January 2022

"How 'Urgent' is 'Urgent' when there's a major fire risk fault?" No repair of fire door at William Dunbar House yet


 Picture taken yesterday

It will be 2 weeks on Monday from when Pensioner John Healy wrote a letter to Wembley Matters desperately seeking help in getting Brent Council to deal with faulty fire doors at his South Kilburn block, William Dunbar House. LINK

Shortly after publication I was able to update the article with news that a councillor was taking up the case.

In a further article on January 18th we revealed that another door, on the 5th floor was also faulty and this time Brent Council replied on Twitter:

 Escalation as a matter of 'Urgency' was welcome but another week has gone by and the 3rd floor door has still not been fixed. (Photo above).  John Healy discovered that some flats in the same block did not have self-closing doors.

John said:

Could you question the Council as to what they mean by 'urgent'.  The council told me they carried out an inspection on the doors after your first story in WM without the pictures, which is 2 weeks ago.  Tthought the Council said 'this issue is urgent" but I have to spend another weekend at least, worrying about a possible Fire in my block.
Could you also ask them about all these flats that do not have self closing fire doors?  I assume they belong to leaseholders.


Anonymous said...

Clearly no one at Brent Council understands the meaning of URGENT, but then again they don't understand TEMPORARY either,as temp accomodation can mean 16+ years with Brent.

URGENT requiring immediate action or attention.
TEMPORARY - lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent.

David Walton said...

Safety maintaining towers is clearly for Brent not easy. Towers very much have an 'out of sight out of mind characteristic' developers love. Much worse than the mismanaged streets 'look' which is pretty obvious to all.

Jaine Lunn said...

No dictionary’s in the Civic Library lol

Jaine Lunn said...

No dictionary’s in the Civic Library lol

Anonymous said...

Finding a dictionary in the Library might help.