Thursday 13 July 2023

New building for College of North West London in Wembley Park approved by Brent Planning Committee - present Wembley Park and Dudden Hill sites will be redeveloped


Brent Planning Committee last night approved a new building for the College of North West London on Olympic Way/Fulton Road the site of the current Olympic Office Centre.


The building will replace both the current building in Wembley Park at the station end of Olympic Way and the Dudden Hill campus of the college which will be developed for housing.


 Early plans for Dudden Hill site (part of Neasden Stations Master Plan)


The current Wembley Park building will be redeveloped alongside the shopping centre, McDonalds and the theatre. The Wealdstone Brook flows within that college site and under Olympic Way.

After the CNWL's amalgamation with Westminster College as United College Group there were a number of property deals. The other Wembley Park building was sold to the DfE and now houses the Michaela School and the fairly new £5.5m Kilburn Centre LINK  building was disposed of.  LINK

Although the applicant's image above shows an open area around the college it emerged that it is likely to be secured by additional measures  given the large crowds using Olympic Way on event days.  Planning officers said that the new building  at 8 storeys would be just 2 metres higher than the Olympic Officer Centre.

The college will cater for 1,630 people including teenage and adult students but, unlike a school, attendance hours will vary,and it will operate at 60% capacity. Neighbourhood CIL will not be payable  by the applicant  but London CIL will apply.

Councillors expressed concern over security, particularly as the college is aiming to cater for more neurodiverse students, and one councillor was keen that there should be a separate entrance for them. The college responded that they believed in integrating such students as part of their inclusion policy.

A number of security features are included in the building such as anti-hostile vehicle devices but Cllr S Butt was puzzled that no accreditation for Secure by Design had been sought when this was the case with other buildings in the vicinity that had been considered by the Committee. Planning Officer David Glover insisted that this was not necessary but Butt warned that if there was an incident in the future the Council may regret that this had not been done. Glover said that the applicant could be encouraged to seek accreditation.

Councillors also asked about the loss of 27 trees as a result of the redevelopment with only one retained. The applicant will provide 41 new trees at ground floor and third floor level.

In contrast to the Mumbai Junction's 500+ objections only one objection had been received to this application and this was about disturbance during the construction period.

 (Olympic Way!)

 The Planning Statement by the applicant gives an overview of what the campus will offer:

Curriculum & Specific Requirements


The curriculum offer aligns with key local and national priorities and requires certain elements of specialist space. This modern and flexible building will provide the canvas for significant growth in these key strands of provision:


Academic teaching quality and student success

Technical and apprenticeship provision for young people, including STEM key stage


Higher level technical skills qualification for adults

Increased quality of Profound Multiple Learning Disability facilities


The new campus will provide a whole of year approach to provision and will ensure access to education using multiple entry and exit points which will allow adult learners the opportunity to ‘retrain and return’ to the labour market quickly or progress to higher level qualifications. This meets the identified skills development needs of London Borough of Brent and the Greater London Authority, in a borough with a stated desire through the Local Plan (2022) to improve the skills level of its residents and increase the average wage.


The portfolio of provision also aligns with those areas that have been identified by Central

Government including STEM, precision engineering, green technologies, and the built

environment, as well as opportunities in practitioner qualifications in digital tech/communications and science.


The new campus will provide an inspiring learning environment that will impact positively on learning, learner outcomes and learner satisfaction. The site will provide for an integrated Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision through an inclusive ’Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties’ PMLD unit. The housing of this provision in one building with the rest of the student cohort, integrates PMLD students fully into the student body for the benefit of all.


Providing this consistent and inclusive approach does create additional servicing requirements as specific pick up and drop off is required as close to the entrance of the building as possible.


Through discussion with Brent and TFL officers, it has been agreed to maintain the existing layby on Fulton Way as also permitted within the extant scheme. Within the adopted highway, this layby will be capable of housing two dedicated mini bus shuttles for PMLD students, the college acknowledged that this will create a specific management requirement on the college, especially during a match day scenario. The College commits to working with the Council and Metropolitan Police to ensure that this public benefit does not result in any additional risks during special event days. We expect further details to be provided pursuant to planning conditions


  1. I'm so glad it will be an ' inspiring learning environment that will impact positively on learning, learner outcomes and learner satisfaction. ' How it will manage that with minimal consultation with local communities is a bit puzzling, but purpose built special needs accomodation, if it actually materialises, will be an improvement.

  2. How time flies, previously this was a building that Network Homes wanted to convert to 253 flats! Planning App 17/5097, what became of that?

  3. Anon 11.10 Maybe the Dudden Hill site is somewhere in the equation...

  4. Would be nice to have some adult education classes in things like pottery, painting, jewellery making, stained glass etc as they used to have before Labour cut them all 😞

  5. Comment received by email

    CNWL at Dudden Hill was renowned for 'trades education': building ,plumbing, refrigeration, electrical, automobile etc. Where are the workshops going to be? Most workshops should be at ground level.

    I assume those involved with this specialist education have been consulted.

  6. Some of the question by councillors on the Planning Committee were truely childish and lacked understanding and clarity, had they actually read the reports or listened to the officers? My favourite question came from Cllr Dixon who asked about how many objections there had been. Really, it is up to the planners and the committee to evaluate the proposal as ordinary residents are generally not aware of the planning, nor how to object and or comment. The committee really are very, very poor, but what does one expect from such poor quality electect representatives, many with vested interests in developments in the Borough. As for the chair and his opening speech, did he know he was insulting residents? Did he mean to? It certainly seemed that way. It really seems that this particular councillor has little or no respect for the views of residents.

  7. Tower Block Tatler tweeted “Tonight @Brent_Council planning committee approved a brand new further education college in Wembley. Planning in Brent doesn't just secure much needed housing but also infrastructure like educational institution that help support 1000s of people.” -

    It’s not a “brand new further education college in Wembley”, it’s the existing Wembley CNWL College combined with the Duden Hill part of the college together in one place n Wembley that they can develop the two old college sites, meaning those who attended courses at the other campus in DuddennHill will have to travel to Wembley..

    Has she misunderstood the plans or is she deliberately trying to mislead residents???
