Thursday 13 June 2024

Football match tickets galore and a trip to India feature in latest Brent councillor gifts


The Quarter 4 Gifts and Hospital Return tabled for yesterday's  Audits and Standards Advisory Committee revealed the Brent Council leader had received match tickest to the total value of £720 from the Football Association.

He is topped by Cllr Bhagwanji Chohan with an £800 value gift to attend a Gujarati diaspora event. LINK  The entry states:

8.2.2024 to 11.2.2024 - Paid trip to Ahmedavad, India for Pravasi Gujarati Parv 2024 second edition - Guest speaker. Air Travel & hotel approximate value £800. Gift from Pravasi Gujerati Parv.

The event was sponsored by the controversial Adani company. SEE LINK


 Cllr Chohan (Chauhan) was one of many speakers, including the Mayor of Harrow.

Publicity for the event included a message from Indian Prime Minister Nahendra Modi

The controversy over Adani included questions about its alleged close relationship with Modi. LINK


Anonymous said...

Gifts of £720 in tickets for Wembley Stadium events to Council Leader from FA, owners of the Stadium.

Planning application for permission to hold more large events at Wembley Stadium.


Anonymous said...

So Cllr Bhagwanji Chohan can fly to India on this all expenses paid trip yet he doesn't respond to emails from the residents in Alperton he's been elected to represent???

Anonymous said...

More Events More Tickets for Butt.

Anonymous said...

Those Wembley Stadium tickets have been declared at values much lower than they should have been as most certainly they'll have been in the posh Club Wembley seats.

And have you seen how many free tickets Cllr Mo Butt has received in the past - adds up to many, many thousands of pounds, see here (you'll need to scroll down):

Shame he's not offering these tickets to us council tax paying residents!

Is he paying tax to cover all these 'free" tickets which are basically 'unearned income'???

Anonymous said...

Don’t believe they’d need to be declared for tax purposes.

Anonymous said...

We need some clarification on this as I'm sure other workers would be clobbered for such regular 'benefits in kind" taken from a customer?

Anonymous said...

If you take a look at the updated register of interests there have been 4-5 tickets given to the leader of the council for some very big games. Something isn’t right. 1-2 tickets may be understandable, but 4-5 looks like his whole family is benefiting. That’s nearly £1000 per game. Could there be some arm twisting going on here?

Anonymous said...

£2000 worth of free tickets for Butt so far this year. Heavily skewed towards him compared to other councillors.