Tuesday 11 June 2024

Tirzah House, Kingsbury and King Edward VII Park Pavilion developments both approved at Brent Planning Committee

The planning application for demolition of the existing pavilion building in King Edward VII park and its replacement by a building with a much larger footprint comprising facilities for Stonebridge Boxing Club was approved unanimously at tonight's Brent Planning Committee. Issues such as lighting in the park are still to be resolved as the Parks Department has no budget available to install lights.

The application for a much larger replacement building for 2 storey family house,  Tirzah Mansion, at 26 Salmon Street, Kingsbury, NW9 (on the corner of Queens Walk) was approved with two votes against. Cllr Saqib Butt opposed as there was a policy shortfall and the proposed building's bulk and massing. Cllr Robert Johnson was concerned that it had no affordabel housing and the developer's contribution of £41,000 towards affordable housing elsewhere was 'miniscule'. He also felt that the plans amounted to over-development.


Tweets from the Planning Committee as it progressed can be found @WembleyMatters 




Anonymous said...

Lighting in the historic King Edward's Park will disturb local wildlife and encourage more late night visitors and hence more ASB!

It's supposed to be a local public park which is locked a night 😞

Next they'll be calling for floodlight football pitches there.

Martin Francis said...

Yes, Kelly Eaton from Parks Department did say that any lighting would need to be sensitive so as not to disturb habitats. Another unresolved issue was over parking with the possibility of the St Johns Road entrance car park being used but that would have to be staffed for security. Officers didn't think its use was on. There's also a question of who is responsible for locking up the park. Ali from the Boxing Club said they were well aware of concerns about security. Lots to be sorted out.

Anonymous said...

So they grant the planning permission for this in our local all park BUT they don't know how it will all work??? Thought they were supposed to consider all the implications BEFORE granting permission??? How do we know that they have checked everything regarding this planning application properly???

Anonymous said...

No surprises then!
Bent Council have been running down King Eddies Park ever since they got rid of the Park Keeper, the place is a disgrace. Fallen and diseased Trees have not been replaced. The meadow/bee highway not maintained, full of weeds, rubbish and long grass. Flower Beds are non-existent. Footpaths are disrepair and accidents waiting to happen ripe for compensation claims. Seating falling to bits and not replaced. Bins overflowing or not used at all. Children's playground not fit for purpose.

If it ever get's built the Boxing Club/Cafe/Toilets would be a welcome improvement but I won't be holding my breath.

Anonymous said...

Re parking - why do they need to drive here??? There's Wembley Central station within walking distance and the 204, 182, 92, 18, 297, 79, 83, 483 and 223 buses pass very near by. And people could cycle there.

Anonymous said...

It would have been probably better for there to be just a cafe there instead.