Friday 20 September 2024

Average Brent rents has rise by more than a third since 2023

According to My London Office of National Statistic data shows that Brent has seen the steepest rise in rents over the past 12 months of any local area in England or Wales.

The average rent is now £2,121 per month - a rise of 33.6% since 2023. This compares with a London average rise of 9.6%.


Anonymous said...

Yes a landlord neighbour of mine has been boasting he's put his rents up in 3 months by 30% across the board. Disgusting people.

Anonymous said...

What I really don't understand is why so many people want to live in the mess that is B~ent, and are consequently facilitating the increasing rents at unsustainable rates.

Anonymous said...

So much of the UK is an absolute dump.

Anonymous said...

A fair rent tribunal would be a good idea but we can thank maggie thatcher for abolishing that. So now many have been forced into claiming housing benefit to stay in their rental homes as wages aren't keeping up, and fewer homes at social rent are being built.
The only people who laughing all the way to the bank are unscrupulous landlords.