Guest post by Philip Grant
A buff-tailed bumblebee in a Kingsbury garden, 24 January 2025.
If you were watching the BBC Winterwatch programme on Thursday evening, you will have seen a film about a buff-tailed bumblebee, and its need to find flowers to feed from after emerging from its hibernation burrow. A sudden rise in temperature and some sunshine, like we had on Friday after several very cold weeks, can make them think that Spring has arrived.
Plants that are in flower can be hard to find at this time of year. It is several weeks too early to find snowdrops or crocuses in bloom. The bumblebee in Bristol was lucky enough to find some Mahonia bushes in flower, a winter flowering evergreen shrub that can have yellow flowers between November and March.
Mahonia flowers. (Courtesy of the RHS website)
But if you have a garden, or even a small patio or balcony, and can grow some suitable plants, you may be rewarded with sights like the buff-tailed bumblebee above, which I saw feeding on a patch of winter-flowering heather in the sunshine on Friday morning. Bee kind, if you can – nature needs our help, and can also give us so much pleasure.
Don't forget it is the RSPB Garden Watch this weekend! See my post from last January HERE.
Philip Grant.
We have a Veronica/Hebe plant that has been flowering since before Christmas and still going strong - apparently it's good for bees :)