Friday, 24 January 2025

How will our MPs vote on a Third Runway for Heathrow?

 Keir Starmer voted against a Third Runway for Heathrow back in 2018 but has changed his mind as part of Labour's growth, growth and more growth agenda.

But how did our MPs vote in 2018? 

Bob Blackman MP for Harrow East at the time defied a three line Conservative whip and voted against as did Dawn Butler ( Labour - Brent Central),  Barry Gardiner (Labour - Brent North) and Karen Buck, then Labour MP for Westminster North.

That constituency is now largely Queens Park and Maida Vale represented by Georgia Gould, who is very close to Starmer.

How will they all vote this time?  Will they forget the climate emergency out of loyalty to Keir Starmer?


  1. With Labour run Brent Council officially declaring a Climate Emergency in 2019 you'd hope that our MPs Barry Gardiner and Dawn Butler would both vote against it as they did before. The climate is seriously impacted by pollution, we don't need more.

    1. 4 MPs cover the area of Brent, not just 2, though it is true that there is even less hope of the other 2 voting against airport expansion.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. On yesterday's Radio 4 Today programme Barry Gardiner quoted the Climate Change Committee as saying there is no credible way to reach zero emissions by 20250. There's a limit to what can be achieved by technological solutions so a significant part of the story will be limiting the growth of aviation. He went on to say that Miliband and Reeves both know that.

  4. I support a 3rd Run Way. If we are to attract business and investment in the 21st century - we need to be moving light years ahead. Our infrastructure is stuck in the 20th century - most of the developing world has advancing infrastructure - trains that are super sonic and super efficient broadband. Brent needs to turbo boost development, encourage wider investment and also approve mega festivals that will turbo boost our local economy. Bring on 2025!

  5. To "Anonymous28 January 2025 at 10:42" all the reasons you give supporting the 3rd runway are all the reasons why the world is now dying. We cannot keep destroying the world!!!

  6. How much dusruption and pollution will be created during construction of the third runway over M25???

    How much more pollution will be created with more freight lorries heading too and from Heathrow because of extra capacity???

    And how many more flights will be heading for London after expansion??? Eventually they will end up circling our skies too!!!

    And how much of our tax payers money will be spent on all of this???

  7. How much more air travel do we need??? London City Airport has been allowed to increase capacity and now wants larger planes to land there... we only have one planet, when it's gone it's gone!!!

    "London's fifth-biggest airport will this week submit an application to aviation regulators that could enable it to capture a bigger slice of the leisure travel market.

    Sky News has learnt that London City will on Monday table a bid to alter the take-off and landing gradients used by aircraft flying into and out of the airport - a move that would accommodate the Airbus's A320neo jet."

  8. Who's gonna pay for the tunnel under the M25 and how much disruption will that cause? The construction work and closures of the M25 near Wisley have caused so many problems with RHS Wisley putting in a huge compensation claim for loss of earnings - how many businesses near Heathrow will do the same?

    Who will pay for extensions to the Piccadilly and Elizabeth lines and road alterations to cope with extra traffic around the actual airport???

    The government have given the go ahead for the redevelopment of Manchester United ground and the area around it but they haven't mentioned enlarging Manchester Airport - wouldn't that make more sense especially with all the 'leveling up' ideas to boost infrastructure away from London???
