Friday, 24 January 2025

'We rescued a dozen people from the Kilburn Job Centre fire.' claim locals. Premises still wide open to intruders.


A gaping hole in the Job Centre wall at 4.30pm today


I went to  site of the fire at the disused Kilburn Job Centre this afternoon and found the Cambridge Avenue side of the building open to the elements - and any intruders. It was burnt out except for a table and the twisted metal guards that had been torn down.

A security guard hung around while I was taking photographs and I was approached by an onlooker, Jamie.

Jamie told me that he and his friends Ezra and DJ had seen the building was on fire and rushed in to get people out. He had given their names to a newspaper reporter but their account had not been published:

'We didn't stop to think we just ran ino the building. There were six people on the ground floor, four on the first floor, and two at the top.  They didn't hang around, they just scarpered, because it's arson isn't it?  By the time the para medics came they were mostly gone.

My throat hurt from the smoke. My mate told me that I should have got a wet towel and wrapped it around my face but we acted on impulse -  I wasn't going to waste time my searching for a towel and water, was I?'

The hole is just yards from the bus stop and passengers stopped to look when they alighted. It is quite a sight:

At the back of the building, in Coventry Close, it appears that work has been done to keep out intruders and squatters, although doesn't make much sense when Cambridge Avenue is wide open. Perhaps the contractor did not know about the other entrance...


Attempts at securing the building

Abandoned belongings indicate a hasty exit

The side of the building (above) looks less secure as does what appears to be a first floor balcony (below)


Having  escaped what could have been fatalities in the fire, though not responsible for the building, I understand that Brent Council is now contacting the owners with more energy than hitherto. They had been warned several times by residents over many years.

I hope the Council thanks Jamie, Ezra and DJ.


  1. Thank you for the additional report. Councillors were told on Friday by Council Officers that the building had been secured on Thursday. As your photos show, and anyone walking past can see, that is not the case.

  2. Why has this building been allowed to rot rather than being converted to suitable temporary living accommodation for homeless people?

    1. I agree in principle, but that is in the hands of the private owners, who seem to have been happy to let it rot and be a source of concern for locals. Though the Council should have taken action sooner to at the very least make them take some responsibility for the state of the building.
