Showing posts with label Petition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Petition. Show all posts

Thursday 11 February 2021

Petitioners urge TfL to treat trackside green corridors as an ecological asset - please sign


A petition has been launched asking Transport for London to take a more ecologically sensitive approach to trackside maintenance. Safety must be considered but there is no justification for a scorched earth approach. Clearances like the above have already been seen along our stretches of the Metropolitan, Jubilee and Chiltern lines.

Introduction to the petition

TFL contractors have been repeatedly reported removing miles of trees and vegetation running along London’s Underground tracks, most recently along the Metropolitan and Chiltern Lines. These acts of environmental vandalism mean rich, green corridors are severely reduced, impacting residents’ health and mental well-being, as well as removing biodiverse habitat for local wildlife.  


With 55% of the London Underground track network recorded above ground, we recognise a need for trackside vegetation maintenance, but the actions of TFL contractors are often excessive and unnecessary. 


They are treating these rich, green corridors as more of a liability than an ecological asset in which to invest. 


London Underground’s existing green infrastructure amounts to 10% of all green spaces in the city and is an obvious way for the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan to meet his commitment to improving London’s “biodiversity and ecological resilience” and become the first National Park City. We are in a climate and biodiversity emergency and both the Transport for London and Sadiq Khan must do everything they can to protect the habitat and wildlife we have remaining in London.  


To: Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan

We call on TFL and the Mayor of London to commit to the following:

1. Immediately stop the excessive removal of vegetation from trackside TFL embankments. 

2. Ensure that TFL carries out biodiversity surveys before trackside work begins and that these are made easily accessible to the public. 

3. Ensure that local residents are informed in good time before trackside work begins and given time to feedback questions and concerns to TFL.

4. Ensure that TFL contractors are trained in effective vegetation management and biodiversity preservation.

Please act now and protect out vital green trackside spaces and wildlife in London.


Friday 3 July 2020

Developers' free for all: Stop Dominic Cummings Stripping Away Our Rights - Sign the petition

If you think developers are getting away with murder in Brent at the moment - you ain't seen nothing yet if these proposals go through.

This petition has been launched  recoognising the damage that will be done to our urban environment if planning controls are limited even more.


TO: Boris Johnson 

Please don’t strip back the right of communities to a say on what gets built in their area. Letting property developers do whatever they want will lead to badly designed and poorly located housing. We need smarter solutions to the housing crisis


Wave goodbye to your right to a say in what’s built in your local area -- if Dominic Cummings gets his way. We’ve got just weeks to stop him.

He's working on a plan to rip up the rules for new buildings in England -- and replace it with a US style scheme. It could fill neighbourhoods with shoddy flats and ugly office buildings.

But Cummings’ plan won’t affect every community the same way. City streets, not the countryside, will be the focus -- so people of colour will be far worse affected.

Cummings is trying to sneak this plan through as part of a coronavirus recovery programme -- and Boris Johnson just announced the first of the changes.

The full outrageous plans will be published within weeks. If no one seems to care, these changes will become law before we know it.

Dominic Cummings’ reckless US-style plan would take power over your local area away from expert planners with extensive local knowledge -- and give it to giant new “development corporations”

Remember, this is the same government who brought in a planning loophole that has allowed developers to build new flats without windows. Too many people are already trapped in poor quality housing.

But more than a million homes given planning permission in the last 10 years haven’t been built. So ripping up England’s planning rules to give power to profit hungry developers won’t fix things.

England’s planning system set for shake-up
Financial Times (paywall). 10 June 2020.

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Brent councillors sign unity petition following the 15,000 strong 'Free Tommy Robinson' protest

From Stand Up to Racism. I understand that so far the petition has been signed by the following Brent Councillors: Tariq Dar, Krupesh Hirani, Margaret McLennan, Claudia Hector and Thomas Stephens.

You can  join them by signing the petition HERE

The 15,000 strong violent far right protest to ‘free Tommy Robinson’ on Saturday 9 June has raised major questions for all those who value our diversity.

The racist right—from hardcore Nazis, through the FLA/DFLA to ‘For Britain’ and UKIP—are using Robinson to re-organise. Nazi salutes and Islamophobia were at the centre of the mobilisation.

This is the first serious attempt since the collapse of the English Defence League (EDL) to develop a racist street movement and give it a political form. It is supported internationally by notorious figures including Geert Wilders from the Dutch Islamophobic right and Steve Bannon, former adviser to Donald Trump.

It is absolutely vital that all who oppose this come together in a united mass movement powerful enough to drive these new developments on the far-right back.

Donald Trump has played a major role in galvanising the racist right. We will take to the streets for the Together Against Trump demonstration coinciding with his visit on 13 July. And when Robinson’s supporters take to the streets again on 14 July, we will protest against them too.

Wherever the far right’s support grows so does racism and violence. Let's come together to defend our multicultural society from those who spread hatred and division.

Initial signatories include:

Diane Abbott MP, Shadow Home Secretary /John McDonnell MP, Shadow Chancellor / Len McCluskey Unite the Union General Secretary /Dave Prentis, Unison General Secretary Talha Ahmed, Muslim Council of Britain Treasurer  Mohammed Kozbar, Finsbury Park Mosque Chairman / Rabbi Lee Wax / Michael Rosen, poet / Kevin Maguire, Journalist / Thurston Moore, Musician / Sabby Dhalu and Weyman Bennett, Co-Convenors, Stand Up To Racism / Ged Grebby, Show Racism the Red Card Chief Executive / Richard Burgon MP, Shadow Justice Secretary / Laura Pidcock MP, Shadow Minister for Labour / Cat Smith MP, Shadow Minister for Voter Engagement and Youth Affairs / David Lammy MP / Emma Dent Coad MP / Marsha De Cordova MP / Andrew Gwynne MP / Lord Peter Hain / Claude Moraes MEP / Julie Ward MEP  Jean Lambert MEP / Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary / Kevin Courtney Joint General Secretary NEU / Mark Serwotka, PCS General Secretary / Dave Ward, CWU General Secretary / Matt Wrack, FBU General Secretary / Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary / Ian Lawrence, NAPO General Secretary / Steve Gillan, POA General Secretary / Manuel Cortes, TSSA General Secretary / Mick Whelan, ASLEF General Secretary / Claudia Webbe, Labour Party NEC & Islington councillor / Rakhia Ismail, Islington Councillor / Gerry Gable, Editor/Publisher, Searchlight / Julia Bard, National Committee, Jewish Socialists’ Group / Salma Yaqoob / Kate Hudson, CND General Secretary / Lindsey German, Stop the War Coalition / Shahrar Ali, Green Party Home Affairs spokesperson / Kerry Abel, Abortion Rights Chair / Asad Rehman, War on Want Executive Director / Sam Fairbairn, People's Assembly Against Austerity / Maz Saleem, anti-racism campaigner/ Stand Up To Trump / Dr Siema Iqbal Co-founder of AVOW (Advancing Voices of Women against Islamophobia) / Phyllis Opoku-Gyimah, UK Black Pride Executive Director / Roger Huddle and Red Saunders, Rock Against Racism founders / David Rosenberg, Author / Alan Gibbons, author / Tony Kearns Deputy General Secretary (postal) CWU / Ian Hodson - BFWAU National President / Harish Patel, Unite the Union National Equalities Officer / Margaret Greer Unison National Race Equality Officer / Steve Hedley, RMT Deputy General Secretary / Jane Loftus, CWU Vice President / Denis Fernando, Rainbow Coalition

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Residents urged to support petiton for a Public Inquiry into Cricklewood Superhub

A petition has been launched asking the Secretary of Stae for Communities and Local Government to set up a Public Inquiry into the Cricklewood Aggregates Superhub.

This is the petition:

Planning Application 17/5761/EIA London Borough of Barnet

We the undersigned request you to issue a holding direction on any decision regarding this planning application by the London Borough of Barnet- with a view to calling it in. This decision affects the air quality of future generations in Brent and Camden as well as Barnet.

We believe it meets six of your criteria
  • affects the quality of life across a wider area than a single local authority
  • has significant effects beyond their immediate locality
  • proposals for development of major importance having more than local significance
  • proposals giving rise to substantial regional controversy
  • proposals which raise important issues of development control, and/or legal difficulties;
  • proposals of major significance for the delivery of the Government's climate change programme and energy policies
The petition can be signed HERE

Monday 26 February 2018

College Green petition to be heard tonight at Full Council

A petition organised by the College Green Preservation Society is on the agenda for tonight's meeting of Full Council. The petition objects to the fencing in of the Green. See my report HERE.

Thursday 8 February 2018

Ask Brent Council to divest from fossil fuel companies

I am giving this on-line petition an extra plug. It is a way of making a difference locally by getting Brent Council to divest their pension fund from fossil fuel companies who are contributing to climate change.

Sign the petition HERE

Brent Council should divest its pension fund from fossil fuel companies to protect the people of Brent. So we ask Brent Council to make a public divestment statement committing the Brent Pension Fund to:
1. Immediately freeze any new investment in the top 200 publicly-traded fossil fuel companies with largest known carbon reserves (oil, coal and gas) [0]
2. Divest from direct ownership and any commingled funds that include fossil fuel public equities and corporate bonds in the top 200 list and shift these funds to lower risk, ethical investments before the May 2022 Council elections
3. Advocate to other pension funds, including the London Pension Fund Authority and Local Government Pension Scheme members to do the same
4. To do the above in a timely manner - by setting up a working group to report back on a strategy to bring about divestment within three months from the submission of this petition

Why is this important?

We believe divestment from fossil fuels to be not only ethically and environmentally correct, but also financially prudent. 

Climate change is the greatest challenge humanity has encountered. The 20 hottest years on record have all occurred since 1981 and 2016 was the hottest ever [1]. Higher average temperatures are directly linked to extreme weather events such as heat waves, droughts, floods and storms. 

Scientists have unanimously concluded that these changes are a consequence of human activity, arising from the burning of fossil fuels [2]. Moreover, this activity has resulted in unprecedented levels of air pollution, now regarded as a major world killer [3].

In a speech at Lloyd’s of London in September 2015, Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England said that by the time ‘climate change becomes a defining issue for financial stability, it may already be too late’. Carney warned investors that policies to address climate change ‘would render the vast majority of reserves ‘stranded’ – oil, gas and coal that will be literally unburnable’ [4].

In order to continue developing fossil fuel reserves – particularly in the difficult areas where the remaining reserves are located (including the Arctic, the mouth of the Amazon and tar sands in sensitive areas) the developing companies need investment – divestment is a way of cutting off the funds needed to carry out these damaging activities. It also sends a powerful signal to the companies and others that it is time to move away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy.


Saturday 23 December 2017

Can you help the Wembley FC petition get to 25,000 signatories before the end of the day?

--> The petition is support of Wembley FC has now attracted more than 21,000 signatures. Brian Gumm, chairman of Wembley FC  told BBC London LINK he is determined to appeal against the decision by the European Union's Intellectual Property Office:
The petition has given me a bit of faith, seeing that people out there do care about non-league football.

The FA have not spoken to me. I want the best for my club and I will fight them. If we want to make a stance for non-league football then I think we should.
The FA in a statement to the BBC said:
We have never objected to their use of this logo in the UK or elsewhere. This case is about Wembley FC registering their logo in several countries outside of the UK, such as Russia, China and the US, and then refusing to co-exist with us in those countries. 

We have not asked and will not ask Wembley FC to pay the costs to date.
Is this the beginning of a climb down? Let's increase the pressure by persuading more people to sign. 
You can sign the petition HERE
Wembley FC web page HERE
Wembley FC Facebook HERE

Saturday 25 November 2017

Petition launched against 25 metre high Welsh Harp phone mast - please sign

Cllr Roxanne Mashari (Labour, Welsh Harp) has launched a petition against the proposed erection of a 25 metre high phone mast on the Welsh Harp. You can sign the petition HERE

The petition to Brent Planning Department says:

Stop the building of a 25 metre phone mast in the beautiful Welsh Harp Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) which is the largest nature reserve in Greater London.

Why is this important?

The Welsh Harp is the only Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in Brent or Barnet and is home to a wide and rich diversity of wildlife.

We are concerned by evidence suggesting a detrimental impact of wireless cell towers on wildlife as well as the building of such a visibly obstructive structure on the appearance and openness of this piece of Metropolitan Open Land. We believe that to give permission to this structure runs contrary to Brent Council's policy on the Protection and Enhancement of Open Space, Sports and Biodiversity.

The proposed improvement of 3G coverage resulting from the mast would appear to only benefit a very small area and is disproportionate to the greater disruption of land and surrounding wildlife.
The Welsh Harp is a truly unique and important site to local residents but also in its wider scientific, ecological and natural beauty value across London. It is our responsibility to preserve it for generations to come.

We therefore strongly object to the approval of this site for the construction of a Mobile Telephone Mast under application PA 17/4597.

To comment on the planning application individually please follow this LINK

Friday 7 July 2017

Petition launched to ban fracking in Brent and Dawn Butler MP gets behind campaign

Cllr Lia Colacicco (Labour, Mapesbury) has started a petition to Parliament to prevent exploration for gas in Artesian Close, Hrlesden.

The petition LINK states:

The people of Brent do not want Fracking because it poses unacceptable risks to people, the climate and the environment.

We the residents refuse to put up with seismic testing and the contamination of our drinking water in order for large corporations to make profits at our expense. This is not about house prices. Our children’s health is not for sale.
The proposal was revealed on Wembley Matters on June 26th LINK

Dawn Butler MP for Brent Central told the Kilburn Times LINK
They [London Local Energy] will need more than PR and spin to get this round me and the residents of Brent. These proposals would place the facilities right next to hundreds of homes in Harlesden and just a stone’s throw away from a local primary school. “I won’t let any company put the health of my residents and students at risk, not on my watch. I am urging Brent Council to throw this laughable proposal out immediately.

Friday 17 June 2016

Comment on Harrow School planning application and sign petition before Monday

From Harrow Hill Trust

Click on image to enlarge
 See LINK for previous coverage

 It is clear that the public want a brownfield option. As such, in our reply to the Council we have evaluated the arguments set out against this option and we set out the pros and cons. There are very few compromises required to make this work and there are very many more advantages.
Please try to find one more supporter, the consultation period closes on Monday. Thanks again for your support which is appreciated.

Submit your comment HERE Paste this reference into the search box:  P/1940/16

Latest on Calais Convoy and tonight's Rally from the People's Assembly

Latest on Calais Convoy and tonight's Rally from the People's Assembly

Tonight's rally is going ahead. In light of the horrific events surrounding the murder of Jo Cox MP however, we will be ending the rally early and take everyone to Parliament Square for the vigil in memory of Jo Cox MP. The rally begins at 6.30pm and will now end at 7:30pm.

We will have a briefing on the convoy, a few brief speeches and then move on to the vigil.

Currently the ban on the convoy, put in place by the French Police, is still in place and we are trying our hardest to get it overturned. We will still be converging on Whitehall at 8.30am tomorrow and we look forward to meeting you there. We will be heading down to Dover to demand that the convoy is allowed to pass onto Calais.

Please continue to sign & share the petition.  LINK 

We are also asking people to write to the French Embassy to demand that the convoy is allowed to pass onto Calais.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

SOS: SAVE OUR SCHOOLS Westminster Cathedral 5.30pm tonight - we can defeat these plans

I hear teachers will be joined by some head teachers and governors, as well as hundreds concerned that their schools are being stolen, at this evening's protest against government plans to force all schools to become academies. Unfortunately a Brent Council briefing meeting for head teachers and chairs of governors is being held at the same time so I won't be able to go.  I hope thousands turn out to show the government that their plans will be met with resistance - not only to defend democratic oversight of education but also to prevent privatisation of our schools.

It is important to stress that the plans are only at White Paper stage, they are not legislation, so heads and governors should not be panicked into premature action. The proposals are being opposed by the Local Government Association, Tory shire counties, the NAHT and parent groups, and (see below) the Financial Times and even David Cameron's own Tory local lead on schools. It is a battle that can be won.

A petition calling for a public inquiry and referendum on the plans has already gained 130,000 signatures and organisers hope for even more. 100,000 earns the possibility of a House of Commons debate on the issue. Please sign LINK

Meanwhile the Financial Times has raised doubts about the plans:

Even the Tory lead for schools in David Cameron's home country has denounced the plans as 'Big Brother Gone Mad':

The last word goes to cartoonist Ros Asquith:

Sunday 24 January 2016

Scrap the £35k threshold for non-EU citizens settling in the UK

There are so many on-line petitions around these days that I often don't sign them favouring other forms oif political action instead.  I think this one is really important as it not not only tackles someething that is manifestly unfair but will also impact on public services, especially health.

In April (2016) the Home Office and Theresa May are introducing a pay threshold for people to remain here, after already working here for 5 years. This only affects non-EU citizens who earn under £35,000 a year, which unfairly discriminates against charity workers, nurses, students and others.

This ridiculous measure is only going to affect 40,000 people who have already been living and working in the UK for 5 years, contributing to our culture and economy. It will drive more workers from the NHS and people from their families. This empty gesture will barely affect the immigration statistics. It's a waste of time, money and lives.

This is the first time the UK has discriminated against low-earners. £35k is an unreasonably high threshold. The UK will lose thousands of skilled workers.

Sign the petition to the UK Government and Parliament HERE

Friday 27 November 2015

Vote NO to British airstrikes in Syria - join the demonstration today


Next week MPs are likely to vote on whether the UK should carry out airstrikes on ISIS in Syria. The Green Party stands united on this issue – dropping bombs is not the answer.

Sign this petition urging MPs to vote against British bombing in Syria:

We cannot ignore recent history and the consequences of our previous military intervention in the Middle East. The government has not given clear answers to questions over how British airstrikes in Syria will increase our security here in Britain or help bring about peace in the region.

Instead of escalated military invention we need to step up our diplomatic efforts to choke off ISIS's finances, weapons, and recruitment. We should also suspend British arms sales to the Middle East and keep to our commitment on taking in Syrian refugees.

 If you'd like to know more about why we're against bombing Syria Caroline Lucas was on BBC PM yesterday explaining why she'll be voting no, you can listen to that here: (about 39 minutes in).

There is a protest tomorrow in London where Shahrar Ali Deputy Leader Green Party will be speaking. Details here, feel free to share details of local events also:

Saturday 17 October 2015

Save the Wildlife Garden at the Natural History Museum

Prospect ('The Union for Professionals'*) has launched a petition to save th wildlife garden at the Natural History Museum in London.

The petition can be found HERE

This was the briefing Prpespect published in August 

As the Natural History Museum’s unique urban wildlife garden celebrates its 20th anniversary it faces seeing more than half of its dozen or so individual habitats lost or uprooted under plans for a multi-million pound revamp of the institution’s grounds.

Prospect, which represents specialists at the museum, welcomes plans to transform the “sterile” lawn frontage to recreate historic British habitats, including a Jurassic area, which will see the return of the much-loved “Dippy” dinosaur cast.
However, the architect-led plans for the compact one-acre wildlife garden on the west side of the building propose what amounts to a metres-wide driveway arcing right through the middle, where visitors currently enjoy its iconic central pond, associated wetlands and other threatened habitats including heathland and meadow.

Established by scientists

Responding to the plans, Prospect negotiator Mike Weiler said: “The wildlife garden was established by a team of scientists and ecologists 20 years ago, to illustrate the diversity of lowland habitat in the UK, many of which people – especially city dwellers – will never have seen. Many of the life scientists are still very much involved with the garden, which is managed by ecologists and a group of 30 dedicated volunteers.

“The plans that we have seen seem to be all about efficiently channelling large numbers of people through the garden towards the Darwin Centre and the other museum buildings, rather than enhancing the wildlife or encouraging any interaction. They could be easily modified to utilise the existing bricked pathways that run around the perimeter, to minimise disruption.
“In their existing form the plans will see the large pond filled in and replaced with a circular pool.

One small pond will be destroyed while another will remain. The museum’s answer to many of our current concerns seems to be ‘translocation’, to use the technical term – in other words digging up habitats and moving them. The academic literature gives a mixed review at best on the success of this process.

Educational role

“The Wildlife Garden has evolved over two decades. It can’t be replaced overnight. It has taken many years to build up the 2,600 species of plant and animal life that can now be found there and careful management and dedication is required to maintain each distinct habitat.”

The garden was established in part with a £50,000 grant from English Nature (now part of Natural England), the largest ever made by the agency at the time. It is the only area of the grounds that currently nurtures natural history and plays a vital role in both education and research. It attracts thousands of school children annually, many of whom attend museum-led workshops, as well as charting local climate change impacts by recording the annual variations in flowering times of plants.

Despite all this the museum complains of low visitor numbers, though a gate linking the lawn and garden is now permanently locked and the only way to access it is by passing through the busiest parts of the museum building. Even then, there is a complete absence of signage inside the museum.
Journalist Kate Bradbury recently toured the garden and was enchanted. In an article for the Telegraph to mark the garden’s 20th anniversary, she described it as a “Narnia...bursting with adventure.”

Mike Weiler added: “The simple fact is that if the garden was better advertised it would be a magnet for visitors seeking a calm oasis of nature just a stone’s throw from the hustle and bustle of Cromwell Road.”

Embracing positive change

Despite its concerns about the museum’s ill-considered plans, the Prospect branch at the NHM is keen to embrace change for the better and is floating the idea of a raised walkway to attract greater visitor numbers without disrupting the garden.

“Those who run the gardens have always been keen to embrace new ideas and technology to improve the visitor experience. The use of webcams to reveal the secret life of bees, birds and bats has been a recent example of this and there is considerable scope to make use of advances in camera technology,” said Weiler.

A recent “town hall”-style staff meeting at the museum showed high levels of opposition to the current plans and Prospect is now seeking urgent, meaningful talks ahead of any attempt to seek planning permission.

* Declaration of interest. I am a member of Prospect in my role at Brent School Without Walls which provides nature walks for primary children in Fryent Country Park.

Monday 7 September 2015

Brent Council willing to take in at least 50 Syrian families 'if necessary'

Leader of Brent Council Muhammed Butt has told the Kilburn Times that the Council is willing to take at least 50 Syrian families into the borough LINK

However his comments were short on detail of how this would be done.

He told the Times:
It’s incumbent upon us to make sure that we do help the people who are in need.
I’m looking to take in 50 families if necessary, I have no problem with that and if we need to increase it we’ll wait for the announcement from the government about the resources open to us.
He said it was too early to say how the refugees would be settled in and housed.
What we need to do first is make a plan, we need to get our partners on board and that the council and the departments are working together so that we can identify the areas of need.

I‘ve had conversations with officers about starting to take the appropriate measures to support people coming in.
He went on to say that there was some time as “people will not be coming in tomorrow.”

At the time of writing 351 residents had signed an on-line petition calling for Brent to admit 50 families LINK

The petition was publicised on Wembley Matters and social media over the weekend. LINK

Thursday 20 November 2014

Support every child's right to go to school - sign today

A message from Education International

Today marks the 25th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child - a defining moment in history, when for the first time, all children around the world were viewed as human beings with their own set of rights, including the right to a quality education.

Despite progress over the past 25 years there are 58 million children out of school and we are seeing increasing attacks on schools and school children and teachers on the frontlines of education.
This was also one of the main reasons why Education International’s affiliates came together for the Unite for Quality Education campaign over the last year: We believe passionately that all children and teachers have the right to go to school without danger or discrimination and so we are actively supporting a new global call to action –the #UpForSchool petition.

World leaders promised to get every child into school by 2015. We now have a window of opportunity to put the pressure on them to keep their promises, making 2015 the year all children secured the right to go to school and learn.

People power works. Big numbers of people mobilising over an issue cannot be ignored. That is why this petition is being collected in every country around the world.

And we need teachers to be pivotal in this movement. To make this the world's biggest petition, we are asking you to collect as many signatures as possible. Can you help? To sign follow this LINK

We are organising a high-level hand-in of signatures during our World Congress in Ottawa in July 2015 so we hope we can do something historic together!

Please help spread the word and share this message as widely as possible across your networks. Together we can make the voices of teachers heard by world leaders.
Together we can make our voices heard and stand Up For School.

Susan Hopgood

Fred van Leeuwen
General Secretary

Education International

Monday 27 October 2014

Stonebridge Adventure Playground Must Stay Forever!

Cllr Muhammed Butt received the petition

A group of children, young people and parents handed over a petition of more than 1,000 signatories to Brent Council leader Muhammed Butt at Brent Civic Centre today.Dawn Butler, Labour Party parliamentary candidate for Brent Central also attended.

The signatures had been collected over the last few weeks from door-to-door knocking,  Harlesden Town Centre, Tesco and Love Where You Live in a amazing effort to save the playground that has served the community since the 1970s.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Green Party backs campaign for statutory children's outdoor play space in schools

From Share My School LINK

Nicky Morgan: Protect our children's health and wellbeing - Stop new schools being created without any outdoor space for children to play and learn.30 Sep 2014 — We recently met with Natalie Bennett, the Leader of The Green Party of England and Wales to discuss our campaign for outside space in UK schools and the legislation that currently governs this. We highlighted problems within the Standards for School Premises and Independent School Standards Regulations both of which we feel need changing to introduce minimum statutory outside space requirement, which they both lack. We also spoke about the Building Bulletin 103, which sets out the minimum non-statutory guidelines for outside space and how we feel this should be made a statutory baseline requirement for all new schools.

We are very pleased to announce that Natalie Bennett and The Green Party are in full agreement with us and have formally backed our campaign for these changes. Here is a statement of support from Natalie Bennett, leader of the Green Party of England and Wales:
As I am Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, it may seem unsurprising that I and the Party are so solidly in support of Share My School and Learning through Landscapes’ campaign to change the law to provide green space at our children’s schools.

Green space is vital for everyone in society – as a way to protect our own natural environment, and of course as a way for all of us, however wealthy or otherwise, to be able to share leisure time at no cost.

And the provision of green space has even wider-reaching effects: a study completed early this year at the University of Exeter’s European Centre for Environment and Human Health found that access to green spaces improves mental health in ways – and for longer time periods – that almost nothing else can.

For our children, the benefits are even further reaching.

Time spent outside – for recreation or curricular activity – enables children to exercise, to engage with nature and to build stronger relationships with other children.

That’s why we at the Green Party stand with Share My School and Learning through Landscapes on this issue, and call on the government to reverse its poorly-researched, mistaken policy to allow schools to set up without any outdoor space.

Green space helps our children to thrive. The government has a duty to ensure it is provided.

Natalie Bennett, Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales

Our children have a right to access outside space while at school. In a nation facing an obesity crisis and a rise in mental health issues, it should be a priority of our Government to not exacerbate these issues but work towards positive change. We need to provide our children with space to exercise, engage with nature and to gain a diverse and wide ranging education.

As always, please share our petition with friends, family and colleagues.

Thank you
Nicky Morgan: Protect our children's health and wellbeing - Stop new schools being created without any outdoor space for children to play and learn.
Think back to your childhood and you'll likely remember being outside, playing tag or other games with your friends, building dens, riding your bike,...