Saturday 19 February 2022

South Kilburn's Pete Firmin on 'Not the Andrew Marr Show' tomorrow

 From Not the Andrew Marr Show (Pete has contributed to articles on this blog about South Kilburn issues and we wrote about his suspension HERE):

A Labour member and local party activist for over 40 years, a former postal worker and member of the CWU, Pete Firmin would seem to be the kind of person Labour would need to help the party back to power.

However, he has been told he is no longer welcome in Labour and has been sent an expulsion letter.

Show solidarity with Pete on tomorrow morning's Not the Andrew Marr Show (10:30-12:30am), when we hear his response to his expulsion and what he feels is going wrong with the party.



Anonymous said...

Pete Firmin is a great Labour Party member, he understands the need of ordinary people far better than any of Butt and his sicophants in the Brent Civic Centre. They are only there for their rich and developer friends. What else would you expect, most Labour Party councillors in Brent and their families are private landlords. And of course they are very supportive of their private landlord friends who help to keep the rents high and conditions low, including of course the greedy Housing Associations who are bleeding their Social Tenants dry so they can provide more and more unaffordable rentals in the Borough.

Now we hear that Towerblock Tatler is making moves on Watford Council suggesting they go into partnership with her friendly developers to build towerblocks around Watford Junction Station. She says it will be a cash cow for Wattford Council, just as it has been in Brent (shame the residents don't see much of that cash or its outcomes). Ask the Watford Councillors what she has offered them.

Unknown said...

Pete Fermin is a dedicated community activist in South Kilburn and a well respected CWU trade unionist. He was one of the best Chairs Hampstead and Kilburn CLP have ever had. Pete has given so much to the Labour party. His expulsion is an utter disgrace!

Philip Grant said...

I do not know Pete well, but from contacts I've had with him, and what I have read about his work on behalf of the local community in South Kilburn, I think that the Labour Party must have lost its political senses to be throwing out a member like him.

I am not a member or supporter of any political party, but I always vote at elections. Actions such as this make it much less likely that I would vote Labour.

Pete Firmin said...

Wow. Thanks for the compliments friends.

Anonymous said...

Pete your a babe, don’t stop doing what you do, we need you as the voice of reason and truth

David Walton said...

The Man Who Knew Too Much