Saturday 11 May 2024

If you care about our health services Sunday's meeting at Unity Centre is a must!



David Walton said...

Well done to Peter for raising how S--KTBZ regeneration now in year 23 has the success or failure (its all about perspective), of no NHS facilities remaining for its more than doubled car-free population set to zone double again by 2040.

This should be an election issue for the Local MP candidates, but like the Local proposed 70 year old S--K parks destruction, it definitely will not be.

Lost forever- Malvern Road surgery, Peel Precinct surgery, Chippenham Gardens Health Centre, Kilburn Park Heath Centre- all are no more drains on NHS resources which have moved primary care facilities to 'right places' instead.

I remember talking to the late Malvern surgery GP who said she had needed to buy and convert a street house herself back in the 1990's, in order to move her GP practice from a portacabin deemed OK for S--K. The public health luxuries of the SK 1990's.

David Walton said...

If you look at the start of the South Kilburn regeneration 2001 with New Deal for Communities, it had a Health Theme founded on Birkbeck College research into poor estate health outcomes.
2024 Government would say health outcomes have improved by doubling the population and removing all primary healthcare facilities. Is this a success innovation to role out to all UK neighbourhoods then?

SKNDC in 2001 had an Income and Employment Theme. 2024, the purpose built Job Centre (now become an HMO) has been moved out of South Kilburn and to the Queens Park Conservation Area instead. So, another SK regeneration key theme run out of road. And again, Government would claim doubling the population and removing the Job Centre is an innovation success s-tory for SK.

In other news, estate social housing tenants year 23 are usually offered re-housing elsewhere, very much like what happens to health and employment community and wellbeing support facilities.

DLHC keeps no record of estate regeneration massive zoned changes 23 years time line, its departmental name and ministers keeps on churning.....