Showing posts with label Council Tax setting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Council Tax setting. Show all posts

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Brent Council reduces Opposition and Scrutiny time to speak at tomorrow's Budget and Council Tax Setting meeting. Leader gets more time.

 A late change announced yesterday evening deprives Brent opposition parties of time to present their alternative budget proposals at tomorrow's Full Council Budget Setting Meeting. It also reduces the time allocated the the chair of the Scrutiny Budget Task Group.

The new order is set out below with previous timings set out on Monday February 26th in brackets:

  • Leader to introduce the main budget report - up to 20 minutes. (15 mins)
  • Leader of the Conservative Group (or their nominated representative) to respond and move their alternative budget proposals –up to 10 minutes. (15 mins)
  • Leader of the Liberal Democrats Group (or your nominated representative) to respond and move their alternative budget proposals – up to 5 minutes. (10 mins)
  • Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources – up to 15 minutes to speak on the budget and alternative proposals that have been moved. (10 mins)
  • Councillor Conneely (as Chair of Scrutiny Budget Task Group) – up to 5 minutes to introduce the main outcomes and recommendations within the Scrutiny Budget Task Group report. (10 mins)

These timings will be subject to a Procedural Motion moved at the start of the meeting by the Majority Group Whip.  Once the debate on the budget has concluded (for which any members wishing to speak will still have up to 3 minutes each to contribute) the Leader will then have up to 10 minutes  (5 mins) to sum up and close prior to the Mayor moving on to conduct separate roll call votes on firstly the alternative budget proposals moved by the Conservative Group and then the Liberal Democrat and then the final substantive budget recommendations, which will all be taken en bloc.

Cllr Paul Lorber, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group said:

This is not acceptable to the Lib Dem Group.

This is total abuse of power and should have (but has not been) discussed at the Constitutional Working Group.

To increase the time allocated to Labour Leader and others and reduce the amount of speaking time for the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Leaders is a pathetic attempt to suppress democratic debate.

The result of the recent Alperton by election clearly shows how unpopular the Labour Party has become in Brent and this action by the Labour Leader is another example of his dictatorial abuse of power.

I trust that the Chief Executive will at long last intervene and to stop the nonsense which is turning Brent into a laughing stock.


Labour's Budget Proposals

Conservative Group Proposals

Lib Dem Group Proposals