Showing posts with label Gaudiya Mission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaudiya Mission. Show all posts

Friday 28 June 2024

WILLESDEN GREEN: Controversial Cranhurst Road mixed place of worship/accommodation development Planning Appeal deadline July 8th


27 Cranhurst Road, NW2


The purple pin marks the property in its suburban context


Following refusal of planning permission for extensive alterations to an Edwardian house in Cranhurst Road, Willesden Green the applicant has launched an Appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.

The application by the Gaudiya Mission  (a Hindu monastic organisation) was for excavation of a basement, the doubling of the number of bedrooms from 4 to 8 and new structures in the garden area.  The house currently has planning permissions for mix as a place of worship and accommmodation.The proposal would have increased the worship area to accommodate more people.

The decision to refuse was made by delegated Brent Planning Officers, not the Brent Planning Comittee.

This is the timetable for the  Appeal:



'Interested party' comments have to be sent in by Monday July 8th.

This is the proposal as submitted to Brent Council:

Proposed creation of basement, single-storey side to rear extension, rear dormer extension with 2x front rooflights and outbuilding to the rear garden to the premises.




1 The accommodation proposed across the first floor and loft floor levels does not align with the space standards as outlined under policy D6 of the London Plan (2021) and consequently would not provide an adequate standard of accommodation and internal amenity for future residents. As a result, the proposal is therefore contrary to policy DMP1 of Brent's Local Plan (2019-41) and policy D6 of the London Plan (2021).


2 The proposed single storey rear and side extension and basement by reason of their design, height and bulk would appear overly prominent, incongruous with and detrimental to the character and appearance of the existing property and surrounding area. As such, the proposal is contrary to planning policies DMP1, BD1, & BD3 of Brent's Local Plan (2019-41), Supplementary Planning Document 2: Residential Extensions and Alterations (2018) and Basement Supplementary Planning Document (2017).


3 The proposed rear element at basement and ground floor level, by reason of excessive height and proximity to the boundaries of adjoining properties would have an unacceptable impact to the  neighbouring amenity of the adjoining occupiers. Moreover, the proposal by not offering sufficient natural daylight to the basement and ground floor areas of the premises is deemed to offer poor levels of internal amenity for future occupiers, contrary to policies DMP1, BD1 & BD3 of the Brent Local Plan (2019-2041), the guidance contained within Supplementary Planning Document SPD1 Brent Design Guide (2018) and Basement Supplementary Planning Document (2017).


4 The proposal by reason of the insufficient provision of information regarding soft landscaping and planting fails to demonstrate how that the scheme will achieve a satisfactory urban greening factor on the site and provide sustainable urban drainage. The proposal would therefore be contrary to policy policies BD1, BGI1 & BSUI4 of Brent's Local Plan (2019-2041) and policies G5 and G6 of the London Plan (2021).


5 By reason of the lack of a Fire Statement, it has not been demonstrated that the proposal will provide a suitable fire safety and safe means of escape strategy for all building users, contrary to Policy D12A of the London Plan (2021).


6 By virtue of the lack of details regarding bicycle parking and a statement regarding visitor numbers and opening hours, the proposal does not adequately consider the requirements of Local Plan policy BT2 (2019-41).


7 No relevant arboricultural studies were submitted in support of the proposal. As such, it is considered that the applicant has not sufficiently demonstrated that there will not be a harmful impact on trees adjoining the applicant site. Accordingly, the proposal is therefore deemed to be contrary to Policy G7 of the London Plan (2021) and BGI2 of the Brent Local Plan (2019-2041). DocFDN Ref: 23/2411


8 By reason of the lack of submission of a suitable Drainage Strategy, it has not been demonstrated that the proposal will achieve greenfield run-off rates for surface water, contrary to Policy BSUI4 of the Local Plan (2019-41)


The Officers' Report gives more information on the views of local residents: