Showing posts with label Iman Ahmadi Moghaddam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iman Ahmadi Moghaddam. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Cllr Jake Rubin to take on Brent Cabinet Climate Action role with Cllr Mary Mitchell Cabinet Climate Action Champion. New chief whip replaces Stephen Crabb


News from the Brent Labour Group AGM, held on Saturday, is gradually coming in.

Cllr Jake Rubin (Roundwood ward) announced his appointment as Cabinet Lead Member for Employment, Innovation and Climate Action on Twitter this afternoon

He takes over climate action from Cllr Krupa Sheth (Tokyngton) whose brief  was Lead Member for Environment, Infrastructure and Climate Action.

Cllr Iman Ahmadi Moghaddam (Wembley Park) has the interesting and potentially difficult role of Labour Chief Whip.

He takes over from Cllr Stephen Crabb  (Queens Park)who had his own difficulties in the role when he had to deal with a potentially controversial Labour motion for Full Council.

After his intervention, when he sought advice from a senior Labour Party body, the motion was not placed on the agenda.


The Climate Action brief has been additionally strengthened by the appointment of Cllr Mary Mitchell (Welsh Harp) as 'Climate Action Cabinet Champion.'

Hopefully this will mean a more concerted and coordinated tackling of climate emergency action across council departments. Something local environmental groups have been pressing for.







I understand  that Cllr Rita Begum (Kilburn) failed in her attempt to become Deputy Leader of the Labour Group. Cllr Rita Conneely (Kilburn) retains her chair of the Resources and Public Realm Scrutiny Committee. Cabinet and  Committee posts go the the Full Council AGM for approval but the Chief Whip post is internal.

The Council AGM takes place on May 22nd, when other positions will be announced, and the first Cabinet of the new municipal year is on May 28th.